Step 1: Reflect and Discover

Discover Your Interests and Aptitudes

Step 2: Research Careers and Earnings Potential

     Occupational Outlook Handbook - assembled by the U.S. Dept of Labor

     ONET - career exploration and job analysis


What will a certificate earn you?  An associate's degree?  A bachelor's degree?  A graduate degree?

Are there job openings in this field?

Are there other related jobs that are more secure?

Step 3: Determine an Educational Path

Research which institutions will offer a path to your career.  Do you need to go to a technical or trade school?  Community college?  Four-year institution?  Graduate school?  Where should you start?

- Naviance's College SuperMatch and Big Future's College Search both offer college search tools that allow you to filter for schools by major.

- Austin Community College offers many degrees and certificates, or is a good place to start your education if you're unsure.  

- ACC also has a Continuing Education Workforce Development program - they offer certificates that can help you quickly enter the workforce.