Dual Credit Resources

Distance Education


Distance Learning is the term ACC uses for courses offered in an online format. This format gives students more scheduling options and a wider selection of classes to meet individual needs. Meanwhile, course content and transferability is identical to classes offered on campus and in-person. As with all ACC courses, there is a defined start and end date and professors will still dictate due dates/deadlines.


  • If a DIL course does not indicate meeting times, the course will be conducted fully asynchronous, meaning there are no class meetings. Typical DIL courses require students to review the syllabus and complete an initial online orientation, then access course materials typically via Blackboard. Students may be required to read text, complete study guides, participate in discussion boards, research, write papers, develop presentations, etc.

  • If a DIL course does indicate meeting times, the professor will hold synchronous class meetings to deliver instruction. Again, course materials will typically be pushed out via Blackboard, yet the course will be conducted in a much more traditional fashion, but virtually.


1. Prep your technology. You will need a computer, web access, and in some cases a web cam or headphones. Keep these items charged, ready to go.

2. Dedicate time for your course. Carve out structured time specifically allotted to dedicate to each of your online courses. This could be every day, every Mon/Wed, mornings, evenings...think about when you work best and are most focused.

3. Choose a workspace. Find a place that is free of distractions (siblings, TV, etc.) and comfortable where you can stay focused. Find a desk, dining room table, etc. - couches and beds may be your productivity nemesis!

4. Use your online tools. Check Blackboard (for your coursework and grades) and your ACCemail regularly. This is how professors will communicate with you.

5. Team up! There is power in accountability. Connect with other students in your class to check-in, discuss learning, or study together.

6. Plan & organize. Map out due dates. Set reminders on your phone. Break out big tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.

Want more? Here are 21 Study Tips for Online Classes Success.