Beamline News

Beamline News:

September 26, 2011: Beamline is back!! High pressure experiment underway...

August 29, 2011: Beamline commissioning still underway...

June 23, 2011: Hutch is empty now... Optical table replacement is under way.

April 27, 2011: Looking at some meteorite sample...

January 20, 2011: Now, testing FOXMAS (Fast on-line XMAS) in collaboration with UWO...

January 11, 2011: Happy New Year from the BL 12.3.2 team! Doing some commissioning on the monochromator.

September 16, 2010: XMAS_v6 can be downloaded from the user resources page. The most important functionalities are now in.

August 30, 2010: Some problems with the wire scan stages. DAXM experiment is down again. Troubleshooting in progress...

August 20, 2010: Novel rhenium nitrides under high pressure have been discovered and characterized in part on BL12.3.2. Ref: A. Friedrich et al., PRL 105, 085504 (2010).

June 10, 2010: After some delay at the customs, the Pilatus has arrived last Friday. It is now mounted on the diffractometer, (almost) ready to go. Still need to be NRTL certified and linked to the XMAS software...

May 26, 2010: The following paper: G. Lee, J.Y. Kim, A.S. Budiman, N. Tamura, M. Kunz, K. Chen, M.J. Burek, J.R. Greer, and T.Y. Tsui, "Fabrication, structure and mechanical properties of indium nanopillars," Acta Mater.58, 1361 (2010), was made an ALS highlight. Read the story here.

May 06, 2010: Looks like the new DECTRIS Pilatus 1M detector is about to be delivered...

April 26, 2010: DAXM experiment with new stages is over. Still some minor tweak to the experiment design are needed but we are getting there. Data analysis is running now...

April 19, 2010: New Micos stages for DAXM have been installed. 3D X-ray microdiffraction is back!

March 31, 2010: New Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors with tungsten coatings are back from the metrology lab and have been installed at the beamline. KB commissioning is underway...

March 31, 2010: After a very long hibernation ... the BL 12.3.2. website is being migrated to and will hopefully be updated more frequently!!!

August 31, 2007: Martin Kunz joins the x-ray microdiffraction team as a beamline scientist for the 12.3.2 station.

April 17, 2007: First light in beamline 12.3.2 hutch. Beginning of beamline commissioning.

March, 2007: Jim Patel (1925-2007) in memoriam:

BL 12.3.2. Hutch rebuilt completed.

October, 2006: Beamline 7.3.3. down. Move to the new superbend station 12.3.2. initiated.

May 12, 2006: Yet another version of XMAS has been released. Please note that you'll also need to update your dlls in your 'param' folder for this version to function properly.

December 16, 2005: A bug has been discovered in the last version of XMAS which prevent to correctly display the orientation of hexagonal crystals using sequential list files. The bug has been corrected in the latest version available on the download page. The good news is that you do not need to rerun analyses. Simply load your current *.seq file with the patched XMAS.

December 12, 2005: The next cycle schedule (January-June 2006) is now posted in the User Resources section.

October 22, 2005: A workshop on 'Frontiers of Synchrotron-based X-Ray microdiffraction', organized by N. Tamura and B.W. Batterman will be held on Saturday October 22nd, 2005 during the ALS users' meeting. This workshop will be the opportunity to acknowledge the decade-long contribution to the field of our estimed colleague Jim Patel who turns 80 this year, as well as to give an overview of the latest developments in the technique and its applications. To attend this workshop, please register with the ALS users' meeting. More info on this workshop will be posted soon. A tentative schedule can be find here.

August 4, 2005: The first version of the XMAS guide is finally available on-line (Go to User Resources). I wish to express my sincere thanks to Sean Polvino, Odile Robach and Bryan Valek for their terrific efforts toward this goal. The present guide is a compilation of the different user guides started independently by them, plus some of my personal additions. This XMAS guide v1 is still very incomplete but we hope it will be useful while waiting for v2! Feedbacks and comments are welcome.

August 2, 2005: a Linux version of the XMAS code has been implemented at the beamline directly in the CCD control computer. In a previous stage, the CCD was remotely controlled from a PC using the windows version of the XMAS code through the beamline local network. This was causing some variability in the exposure time during diffraction scan in period of enhanced network activity possibly leading from time to time to a crash of the system. Linux XMAS would hopefully solve this problem!

July 31, 2005: Bryan Valek has decided to leave the Advanced Light Source to follow a new career path. Wishing him all the best for the future!

June 1, 2005: Proposals for general user beamtime for the period of Jan-Jun 2006 are due July 1, 2005. Click here for more info.

June 1, 2005: Download the current beamline schedule for Jul - Dec 2005.

January 6, 2005: Download the current beamline schedule for Jan - Jun 2005.

December 14, 2004: General user proposals are due on January 5, 2005 for beamtime July-December 2005.

July 30, 2004: Our new web site is up and running, but will still be under construction while we add more features.