
Mark J. Landay - Managing Director

As a member of Dynamic Synergy's executive committee for over a decade, Mark Landay's expertise includes executive level search in high technology. He has successfully completed many searches for venture-capitalized, pre-IPO start ups to world-leading Fortune 50 companies. Prior to joining Dynamic Synergy Corporation, he was a Director at Compusearch, the high technology division of Management Recruiters International. Previously, he led the business development and expansion for regionally based executive search firm, Rod Asher & Associates. Mr. Landay is qualified as a member of the Pinnacle Society, an honor and educational society recognizing the top 100 performers in executive search. Prior to executive search, Mr. Landay worked in private equity. Mr. Landay is extremely well connected in the emerging technology industry with numerous contacts, including many leading venture capitalists. Mr. Landay has been recognized as an industry expert in both technology & executive search. He is the President of LA CEOs, a founding mentor for the Founders Institute, Chairman of SoCal Tech, and the Chairman Emeritus of the Harvard Business School Angels of Southern California. Mr. Landay holds a degree in Management Business Administration with an emphasis in human resources.

Christine Matschnigg - Operating Director

Ms. Christine Matschnigg is responsible for the financial and operational management of Dynamic Synergy Corporation. As an officer of the firm, she holds the title of Corporate Secretary on the Board of Directors. Ms. Matschnigg has over eight years experience in all aspects of executive search operations. Prior to joining Dynamic Synergy, she held positions in finance with Mercedes Daimler-Benz, which included experience in its European operations. Ms. Matschnigg holds a Bachelor of Arts in Finance from Loyola Marymount University and an Executive MBA in Entrepreneurial Studies from The Anderson School at UCLA.

Additional biographies provided upon request
