
"Dynamic Synergy has a strong focus on search execution. They are professional, thorough, expedient, delivering high quality results quickly and care about client satisfaction."

—Siva Kumar, Co-Founder, Investor, BridgeSpan, Impresse, Fastforward Networks, Everypath, OneBox, Seven, Telera

"Dynamic Synergy understands high growth technology start-ups. They provide great insights. They are on top of the industry and knowledgeable of leading edge developments."

—Bruce Dunlevie, General Partner, Benchmark Capital

"Dynamic Synergy has done an impressive job of surfacing high-quality candidates and leading the search process for our portfolio company, FineGround Networks."

—Scott Sandell, General Partner, NEA

"Dynamic Synergy did not leave a stone unturned, they have an extensive network of industry contacts and delivered excellent results in short time."

—Kevin Fong, General Partner, Mayfield

"Dynamic Synergy has not only the extensive network one would expect from top tier firms, more importantly, their insights and understanding of today's technology environment and challenges, faced by companies large and small, make them a valued-added partner and trusted advisor."

—Brett Battles, General Partner, Aberdare Ventures

"Dynamic Synergy provided a high level of personal commitment, service, and accountability on each search project. They are a team of experienced search professionals who made all recruiting efforts and contacts in building our high-performance team."

—Vas Bhandarkar, CEO, Unimobile

"Dynamic Synergy took the time, and showed the patience and flexibility to understand the firm's needs. They found some very qualified candidates in a short period of time."

—Deepak Natarajan, Venture Partner, Redwood Venture Partners

"Dynamic Synergy takes the time to understand the company's needs and works tenaciously to deliver the right person for the position."

—Nat Kausik, CEO, FineGround Networks

"Dynamic Synergy is very flexible and easy to work with. The searches where we utilized Dynamic Synergy were always thorough, efficient, and effective. In a fast growing small company, where time is always of essence, Dynamic Synergy has the ability to respond. I would recommend that you consider them for your next search."

—Dennis McGinn, former CEO, Whitelight

"Dynamic Synergy takes a very thorough approach to the whole search process from determining the exact needs of the client to producing the right fit for a company."

—Penny C. Leavy, Co-Founder Cenzic, Inc.

"Dynamic Synergy gets results. They strategically target top candidates, nurture them and provide balanced feedback for start-up CEO's to build bench strength quickly. When needs arise, we think of them first."

—Barbara Shaw, President & CEO, Breveon, Inc.

"Dynamic Synergy is professional as well as time/cost effective".

—Russell D. Hendren, Chairman, Breveon

"Dynamic Synergy did an excellent job with our search. They quickly identified target candidates with the right experience and did a great job closing the offer."

—Eng-Kiat Koh, Founder and VP Product Development, PrivateExpress.com

"Dynamic Synergy delivers search results through its extensive industry network. They have a professional team with in-depth industry knowledge."

—Stan Wang, President and CEO, Viador

"Dynamic Synergy functions as a business partner, deeply understanding the dynamics and nuances of the company ­ enabling them to execute their searches very effectively. The search results have been extremely positive for the business."

—Des Cahill, VP Marketing and Business Development, Bridgespan

"Dynamic Synergy is unique in high tech executive and technical search. Where most recruiters tend to inundate their clients with worthless and non-applicable candidates, Dynamic Synergy's approach of studying in-depth the client's needs and objectives tends to yield immediate and beneficial results for the client."

—Michael Vernia, CIO, Protocare

"Dynamic Synergy understands technology and markets as well as people. They have consistently created a stream of candidates whose skill sets and experiences are spot-on. It's clear that Dynamic Synergy values our time as much as we do with a well-executed research and qualification process. We strongly recommend them."

—Michael Brill, Co-Founder & VP Marketing, TransactPlus

"Dynamic Synergy's understanding of the high tech market, in conjunction with their high level of professionalism and energy, has helped ease and expedite the search process."

—Sindy Braun, Prinicpal, Vocal Marketing

"Mark first took effort to understand the needs and wants from everyone, worked out the agreed spec. of the candidate then got the search done in a timely manner, with a few very qualified candidates. We are very happy with the search result."

—Jesse Chen, General Partner, Maton Ventures

"Dynamic Synergy has a keen understanding of the world of start-up companies. Their quick and aggressive action was greatly appreciated in the structure of our venture. Quality candidates were located and reviewed in a timely manner. True Professionals."

—Lynn Detlor, Principle CPO Concepts; CEO, Med-eCommerce.

"I have worked with Dynamic Synergy as both client and candidate and have been equally impressed on both sides with their diligence, professionalism, and most importantly, RESULTS."

—Steve O'Brien, VP Sales and Marketing FireClick, Inc.

"I have worked with Dynamic Synergy for a number of years at a number of different companies. Their focus on client needs, along with their ability to identify strong, well-qualified candidates has been top-notch. They match these strengths with strong customer service and excellent follow through."

—Monica Nester, VP & General Manager, Marisan Group

"I have worked with Dynamic Synergy for over 10 years, both as a candidate and client. If I had to sum them up in one word, it would be "connected". They seem to be in constant touch with the players in the target companies I wanted to recruit from."

—Steve Dille, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Viador

"Dynamic Synergy makes the effort to understanding the industry, locate well-matched candidates, and understand their true strengths and fit for our specific needs".

—David Lichtblau, VP Marketing, Starmine

"I was impressed with their ability to quickly understand the right profile of candidate for our search. Their extensive experience in the high tech field gives them an excellent understanding of key requirements for a successful hire. Furthermore, their strong ties with various technical associations and MBA alumni, creates a solid pool of candidates that they can draw from."

—Jon Shalowitz, Sr.Product Line Manager, NetScreen Technologies

"Dynamic Synergy takes the time to not only understand your needs, but to understand the skills of the candidates as well. They don't just send resumes ­ they send qualified people."

—Ken Rudin, VP Marketing, Siebel

"Dynamic Synergy did an excellent job of identifying top candidates for one of our portfolio companies. The firm's experience was evident throughout the search, particularly at the delicate stage of signing the candidate, when Dynamic Synergy delivered in the clutch."

—Albert Cha, Principal, BioAsia

"In today's environment finding the right talent is more critical to business than ever. Company development relies on a top-notch recruiting partner. Dynamic Synergy understands the kind of executive talent required in fast paced companies, and has the sense of urgency to keep pace with their clients."

—Gregg Christman, VP Marketing, Fresher Information Group

"I was pleased with the results of your search...very professional, organized, focused and responsive. Dynamic Synergy uses good process and never wasted our time. The candidates were of high caliber and on target. Everything was managed extremely well, and we are very happy with the results of the search. I would recommend you highly to other clients who may be considering your services."

—Joe McVeigh, Co-Founder, Plumtree Software

"Dynamic Synergy was able to come up to speed very quickly in a variety of technology sectors and produce quality results for our diverse life sciences portfolio."

—Frank Kung, Managing General Partner, BioAsia Investments

"Dynamic Synergy is unparalleled in their ability to listen to your needs and quickly find top-quality candidates. Their full-service approach allows them to work in partnership with you through the entire process."

—Pam J. Kostka, Founder, Visiline

"Dynamic Synergy was responsive and thorough in the search process."

—Charlie Koo, Founder, CEO & Chairman, iMedica

"Dynamic Synergy, and in particular Mark Landay, are great about staying in touch and staying on top of industry developments. This allows them to keep their network fresh and current, in turn leading to great perspectives, candidates and opportunities. I recommend them to anyone looking to add high quality members to their teams!"

—Nimish Mehta, Group Vice President, Siebel Systems


"I would like to thank our clients, board members, and candidates for their loyalty, and the opportunity to be of service to them."

—Mark J. Landay,

—Managing Director,

—Dynamic Synergy