Team Liaison Responsibilities

Each team must designate a Team Liaison or two or three depending on the team size. Team Liaisons are the representative at the Booster Club meetings. There are monthly meeting all year long and attendance is recorded so you need to make sure that the person who is the Liaison is able to attend the meetings. In the event that the Liaison is not able to attend a meeting, the Liaison should contact another team parent to attend the meeting in their place. Liaison's share any applicable information from the meeting with other team parents. The Liaison is also responsible for the following with regards to their sport they are representing:

1. Attend monthly Booster Club meetings

2. Make sure that Head Coach is aware of meetings (as they are expected to attend also)

3. Share applicable meeting information with team / parents as necessary

4. Create Signup Genius for entire season for sporting event that they represent

5. Maintain Signup Genius for your team during season

6. Send emails to team parents informing them of volunteers hours and how Signup Genius works

7. Liaisons MUST be trained on how to open/close the concession stand, before their respective season starts.

(Training sessions are offered after each Booster Club meeting and available by request)

8. Bank Bag Responsibilities: Liaison is responsible for communicating and facilitating (as needed) who should have

the bank bag and confirm it has the proper currency and breakdown of bills.

9. Make sure that your team sport has adequate TRAINED openers and closers for the concession stand

10. Contact the Booster Club Board when additional volunteers are needed

11 Updates and maintains the team website

12. Assists head coach as needed

Helpful suggestion for larger teams: Think about having a liaison for each level (Freshman, JV, Varsity, or from each grade level 9-10-11-12). That way you have support from the various levels, and, as Seniors / Varsity graduate and the others move up, so does the Liaison experience and knowledge. Then you can just keep bringing a new Freshman liaison on board.