• As a parent with a student participating in a team sport at KMHS, what is required of me in concessions? The Booster Club asks the athlete and/or parents) sign up for volunteer hours in the concession stands. The volunteer requirement is for four (4) hours per athlete and family, per sport.

  • What is asked of an athlete's parent for Booster Club attendance? When an athlete signs up for a team sport, his team coach will ask a parent to be a designated Team Liaison to the Booster Club Concession Coordinator and the team volunteer. The team coach will also ask a parent to be a designated Team Representative to attend the monthly Booster Club meetings.

  • What is asked of an athlete's parent for Booster Club volunteering? When an athlete signs up for a team sport, he and/or his parents are asked to volunteer in the Booster Club concession stand for at least four(4) hours per athlete and family per sport. If an athlete participates in multiple sports, she/he and their parents will be will be asked to volunteer in the concession stand at two events for each sport.

  • What counts as Booster hours? An athlete or parent volunteering in the concession stand counts towards Booster Club hours.

  • Who do I contact about volunteering? You may contact your Team Liaison or Team Representative to find out how to volunteer in the concession stands (see tab at left for Team Website Links), or contact any one of our Board Members (see tab at left for email address).

  • Where can I sign up to volunteer? Go to the left-hand tab titled "SIGNUP GENIUS" to find an upcoming event at our school which needs volunteers.

  • Do I have to sign up on SignUp Genius AND in the concession stand the day I volunteer? YES, we ask volunteers to sign up on SIGNUP GENIUS if a computer is accessible to them so that we know we have a sufficient amount of volunteers in the concession stand for an event. We ask that you sign in when you enter the concession stand for your volunteer shift and indicate the team sport you would like to have the hours credited toward. This will allow us to know you were there for your shift. Volunteers will also be required to sign in on a sheet when entering the concession stand for their allotted volunteer time so that we know the volunteers did in fact show up.

  • Who can volunteer (parents/students/siblings/friends)? Students, parents, siblings or friends over the age of 14 can volunteer in the concession stands.

  • How do I get credit for hours worked? Please sign up to volunteer for a specific event on SIGNUP GENIUS (link to the left of the BC website). We ask that you sign in when you enter the concession stand for your volunteer shift and indicate the team sport you would like to have the hours credited toward.

  • How do I know my volunteer hours have been counted and applied to the team I select? We try our best to count all volunteer hours from the sign-in sheets. The Team Liaisons review the sheets to make sure all parents do their best to assist the team. Mainly an honor system.

  • How do I track my volunteer hours? If you wish to personally record your volunteer hours feel free to do so. You can then compare them with our records. If you have any questions contact the Volunteer Hours Administrator via email, which is listed on the main page.

  • What if I am unable to fulfill my scheduled volunteered time -- who do I contact? Should you be unable to show up for your scheduled volunteer hours, please contact your Team Liaison ASAP. If you are unable to reach that person, please contact one of our Board Members.

  • What happens if our sport team does not meet the meeting attendance and/or volunteering requirement? Should your team not attain the required meeting attendance and volunteer hours, the Booster Club may not grant any monies requested to your team.

  • What does the Team Liaison do? The Booster Club Team Liaison is appointed by the coach for each sport team. This person is a link between the coach/team and concessions and works with the volunteers in the stands along with the Concession Coordinator. He/she is responsible for getting volunteers from their sport to work concessions as needed. This person must be trained as a concession stand opener and closer. This person is not required to attend the monthly Booster Club meetings.

  • What does the Team Representative do? The Booster Club Team Representative is a parent appointed by the coach to be a link between the coach and the Booster Club. This person will attend Booster Club meetings if the teams' coach is unable to attend and give a report of the meeting to the coach. Team Reps are strongly encouraged to attend all meetings.

  • Who do I send our team's SIGNUP GENIUS lnk to to add on the Booster Club website page? You may send your team's SIGNUP GENIUS link to the Booster Club's Vice President (see left-hand tab for email address).

  • Who do I contact for concession supplies and/or equipment for a concession stand? The Concession Liaison can obtain supplies and/or equipment for the Lower Turf Stand and the Soccer Field Stand from the Upper Stand near the West Gym. All supplies that we store will be in the Upper Stand. For further needs and to report supplies you have taken from the stand, contact the Concession Coordinator (see tab at left for email address).

  • As a Concession Liaison, how do I get a key to enter a concession stand? Keys are included in each concession stand bank pouch which is given out by the Treasurer. If you did not receive a key in your bank pouch, you may obtain a key from the Community Education Department, Kelly Donaldson. The key for the Upper Stand also works for the Soccer Field Stand.

  • As a Concession Liaison, how do I get money for operations in a concession stand? The Booster Club Treasurer will give out bank pouches at a Booster Club meeting. If you did not receive the pouch, you may contact the Treasurer directly to arrange pick-up (see tab at left for email address).

  • How does my student athlete get a KM Booster Club scholarship? Click on Scholarships or click on the Scholarship tab at the left for specifics.