Reception Literacy and Maths Home Learning

Maths and Literacy - week commencing 16th November.

Literacy session 1:

Listen to the story (or read it if you have it!) 'Cave Baby'. Can you identify the title and author? What is the role of the author and the illustrator?

Cave people lived a very long time ago - but not as long ago as dinosaurs!

Look at the picture that the cave people drew - do you know what any of these animals are called? Can you hear the initial sound in any of these words - Have a go at writing them!

Cave baby animals.docx

Literacy session 2:

What do you remember about the story 'Cave Baby?'

Listen to the cave baby song.

Look at the pictures of the animals in the file to the left. Can you find out any information about them?

Can you make a cave in your house somewhere? Pick your favourite and have a go at drawing/painting it in cave-person style! You could add it to your cave. Use the cave paintings in the file to help you.

Literacy session 3:

Compare 'Cave Baby' and 'Dinosaur Roar'. Are there any characters that are the same or similar? Which book did you like the most and why?

See the link to the left to remind yourself of the characters from Dinosaur Roar. Which character was your favourite? Why did you like them so much?

Can you draw your favourite character and listen for it's initial sound? If you can, have a go at writing it to match your picture.

Maths session 1:

Watch the Number blocks video for number 4.

Use cubes (or anything you have - pasta, beads, buttons etc) for counting. Can you count out 1, 2, 3 and 4. What happens if you take one away? Can you make one more than each of those numbers?

Sort the pictures in the file into '4' and 'not 4'. Alternatively, you can create your own representations or 4 and not 4 to sort.

Sorting 4 and not 4.docx

Maths session 2:

Can you represent 0,1, 2, 3, and 4 on your fingers? Ask your child to do this in a random order.

Practise writing the numbers 0-3. You could use felt pens, coloured pencils, chunky chalks or whatever you have. You could even practice make the marks in flour!

Today we are going to learn how to write 4. Use the rhyme to help!

Maths session 3:

Today we are going to be number 4 detectives! Can you find number 4 represented in your house anywhere? Maybe there are 4 mugs or 4 toilet rolls etc. Can you take pictures or make a list of all the things you have found?

Maths - extra


Literacy - Extra
