April 2017 Kairos - Response Requested

Post date: Dec 19, 2016 11:32:45 PM

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I have been reaching out by phone to previous volunteers. I had planned to be done calling everyone by now. Unfortunately that hasn't happened. To add to that, my phone has become a problem. On top of dying quickly, it reboots for 20-30 minutes after a couple text messages or a few phone calls. I hope to have a new phone in a few weeks. Unfortunately by that time, we need to have our team ready for our first meeting.

I need you to email me at strujillo@kairosneal.org to let me know if you are willing to serve with us on Neal 37. Please include your name(and spouse if they will serve as well) and the best way to contact you back(email, text, phone call...)

I'm truly sorry if I haven't been able to contact you personally yet. This doesn't mean I don't want you. That couldn't be further from the truth. While I am not concerned with having a certain number of volunteers to have a certain number of tables, God has placed it on my heart to offer the opportunity to serve to as many as possible. In doing this, I'm also planning to let some of our volunteers who need a rest the opportunity to do so. If I have spoke to you, please respond to this email anyway as well as much of my information I've stored on my phone...

I need prayer for a Music Leader. Also currently we don't have enough volunteers for 7 tables. But as I said, I haven't called every person yet. Please don't feel that this is Seth's weekend and so you don't want to invite someone. I need your help with recruiting new volunteers as well as connecting with past volunteers who have taken a few years off. Also, if for some reason we have fewer volunteers than we need for 7 tables, I trust in the Kairos model. Even with 7 tables(42 men in white) each Kairos, there is no way we could get every man at Neal on a Kairos. But through Kairos, God is changing ALL of Neal. If we have the right men in white on the weekend, they will impact their community. That won't change regardless of the number of men we get through a weekend. Kairos is so much bigger than a weekend. With that in mind, please be in prayer that God's will is done in choosing the right people to participate in the next weekend. This is true of volunteers and men in white.

Thank you for your continued prayers for this ministry. As you have special moments this holiday season, take time to pray God is using this time to prepare the men in white who will be on our weekend. If you encounter trials this season, consider that the men in white also may going through similar trials. Perhaps your perseverance and faith through this time will be an encouragement and model for someone we bless on Neal 37.

I know you know that our goal is to get the men in white active in Prayer and Share. I would be failing you if I didn't encourage you in the same way. If you have an accountability group, bible study, small group, or 4th day reunion group, please continue your participation not only for your own spiritual health but for those in the group with you as well. If you are not in any group like that currently, please be in prayer for God to open the door for an opportunity for you to be in community with other believers. We learn in Kairos we are the Church and Jesus modeled community for us. Who are the people you surround yourself with in an intimate spiritual setting?

Times* and Location

Kairos Weekend is April 6-9, 2017. If you are asking off from work, please request these full days off.

Kairos Team meetings

1/14 7:45am-2pm

1/28 7:45am-2pm

2/11 7:45am-2pm

2/25 7:45am-2pm

3/25 7:45am-2pm

Meeting Location

HCC North Grand campus

3508 NE 24th Ave

Amarillo TX 79107

I tell most people HCC North Grand is across the street from Pride Home Center, however it may be easier to tell you it is across Grand from De Falco.

*Honestly, I don't expect us to have each meeting last until 2pm. KPMI asks we schedule so many hours for team building. This is what I did so we could have 5 team meetings rather than 6. If we are done by 12:30, including lunch, and have nothing else to cover then we will get out at 12:30. To accomplish this, we will have coffee at 7:45am and start promptly at 8am. Feel free to come early the first meeting if you don't know where we are meeting or if it is bad weather.

May the peace of Christ be with you this holiday season,

Seth Trujillo