Class Schedule

Zoom Yoga Class Schedule


11:00 a.m. PST Peace Shala Yoga (all levels) - Donation Class Zoom code: 845 3694 5948, Password is yoga


11:00 a.m. PST Peace Shala Yoga (all levels) - Donation Class Zoom code: 875 4704 5923, Password is yoga

Friday (No Classes 12/25 and 1/1)

9:00 a.m. PST Restorative Yoga - @Wellborn Lifestyles Zoom code: 630 296 8501, Password is Wellborn
Please have a bolster or pillow, blanket, and blocks or books you can stack available for Restorative Yoga

4:00 p.m. PST Slow Flow Yoga (all levels) - Donation Class for Ergobaby Zoom code: 871 4336 8455, Password is yoga


10:00 a.m. PST Prenatal Restorative Yoga - @Wellborn Lifestyles Zoom code: 630 296 8501, Password is Wellborn
Please have a bolster or pillow, blanket, and blocks or books you can stack available for Prenatal Restorative Yoga

Come "visit" and take a class!

Donation Classes: Please Venmo @Julia-Carpenter-7 or

Paypal, the recommended donation is $20-25

Wellborn Lifestyles Classes: Please just click on @Wellborn Lifestyles to book + pay for your class


Here is my recommended yoga playlist so you can play it at home during class or for your own practice sessions:

How to Zoom

1. Click the link for the Yoga Class you want to join


Just go to and download the app on your phone or just click "join meeting" on your laptop

2. Enter the Zoom meeting code & password

3. Enjoy the class!