Letting Go Of 2020

December 17, 2020

There are about two weeks until the new year. So many people have wanted 2020 to end. I see "goodbye 2020" all over the place. Let's just acknowledge that this year has been tough. Tougher than I ever expected. How about for you?

It’s time to release.

Let’s let go of the unnecessary to create space for the gifts that 2021 will bring.

The following releasing ritual was adapted from the webinar My Three Favorite End-of-Year Rituals by Lisa Danylchuk, LMFT, E-RYT. I found it so helpful and hope that you do, too.

First, think about the past year.

What do you need to let go of? What is no longer necessary to you? Give yourself a little time to think about it. Maybe you like to write things down, if so, give yourself five to ten minutes and write it out. Visualize what you want to let go of. Be very specific. What do you feel has a hold on you that you no longer want to be controlled by? Feelings, thoughts, situations, people, a role that you have taken on... Bring it all to your attention.

Next, take a breath and notice.

Notice how your body feels after bringing up all of the things you need to let go of. Do you feel like your energy is being held somewhere in your body? Where feels tight? Where feels at ease. Scan your body and notice.

Now, say goodbye.

It’s time to visualize letting go of these things you don’t want to bring with you into 2021. You can think about cutting the cords that attach them to you and releasing them. See yourself letting them go. If you wrote the items down, you can rip up the paper and then dispose of it how you feel is best. As you do this, keep breathing and noticing how your body feels.

Shake it off.

Move your body however you love to move. Do yoga, dance, run, ride a bike… whatever you like best. Do anything you love to do that is physical so you can release that energy from what you needed to let go of.

Finally, replace it with something positive.

So often when we clear out space, we mindlessly replace it with something else we don’t need… So, instead, pause and allow the space to be open. Place your hand on your heart and feel what it feels like to have released so much. Now, feel what you truly need, and see yourself replacing what you have let go of with what you need. What feels best to you? Love, self-care, rest, a new endeavor, support from someone you trust…?

I wish you all the best as you release 2020 and move into 2021.

May you have peace within,