Empowered You

7 tips to tune into your inner strength

November 19, 2020

I'm baffled at how long we have been going through the pandemic... isolated and separate in so many ways. Thanksgiving is coming next week, and not being able to see family may amplify feelings of loneliness and sadness. This can lead you to a feeling of loss of control in your life and your inner strength.

I went through a period of darkness where I felt hopeless after suffering a loss. I could only think about the loss and not beyond it. It felt like I was in a deep well and could barely see the light above. I felt like I was without my own personal power, without any strength within. I realized that I couldn't stay in that place and sought help to find my way out. I learned a lot on my journey to personal empowerment (personal empowerment is taking control of your life and seeing a positive path forward), so I thought that this was a good time to share what I learned with you. I hope that these suggestions can help you tune back into your own power - even when you feel that you have lost it.

1. Be open.

If you think things are hopeless and you can't get out of where you are at... then, it will be hard to get out because you already feel defeated. Be open to the idea that there is hope, you can create change for yourself, things will work out. Then, you will be more likely to try. This might sound hard to do. But, give it a try. Say, "I am open to seeing what happens" instead of "nothing can help me," and see how you feel.

2. See yourself strong and in control.

Think about what you can control instead of all of the things that you cannot. You can control what you put into your body. You can control what you look at on social media & the internet. You can control who you reach out to for support. Once you see what you can control, act on it.

3. Set a goal. Then plan the steps to get there.

Even if they are tiny steps... that is progress forward. In time, you will have taken the steps to get where you want to go. Step by Step. Moment by Moment.

4. Be authentic.

You know the truth of who you are and what you believe in. Hold to that instead of trying to live up to someone else's idea of you, what they think you should be, or where they think you should be in your healing process. It is easier to feel good about ourselves when we truly believe in ourselves and our own actions.

5. Take care of yourself.

Be healthy - eat food that nourishes you, exercise (try yoga where your breath and body move together), give yourself moments to pause and meditate.

6. Treat yourself with grace.

Allow yourself to stumble and be okay with it. Be nice to yourself instead of dwelling on the negative. You are all the "you" you have. Be kind to yourself and try again.

7. Love yourself & don't be afraid to seek help if you need it. Asking for help is courageous.

After my loss, I felt like there was nothing I could control, but when I started focusing on the little things in my life that I could control, I started to find a way out of my dark place. I became open to the idea that things could change and then changed the way I was thinking about things. Somedays, I had setbacks and felt discouraged, but I stayed true to myself, told myself that everyone has a bad day sometimes, and kept trying. I was able to come out of that darkness and found my own inner strength and became empowered. I hold onto these lessons so that I can use them whenever I need to boost my own personal power.

I encourage you to set off on your path to empowerment. We will get through this together, even in the pandemic when we are so far apart.

May you have peace within.
