Choose Joy

December 23, 2020

“We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.”
- Joseph Campbell

If there is anything 2020 taught me, it is that I can choose how represent myself in my life… Especially when life is challenging. So, for 2021, I am choosing JOY. I am going to create a JOYFUL year. And, actually, I am going to start a little early… I am going to start cultivating joy now. How about you? Do you also want to choose joy for yourself?

How can I cultivate JOY in my life?

You may feel bogged down in your current experience. So, how do you move forward with an intention of joy? Become curious about how you can bring joy into your life. What works for you? How do you feel joyful? If you are still unsure, below are some ideas.


Often, when we think of children, we think of them playing and being happy in their own little worlds and endeavors. Remember what you loved to do as a child. Is there any way to bring that playfulness into your present life? Play a board game or card game, get physical and jump around your living room, or color a picture. What can you do that engages you to be in the moment and just enjoy playing? Explore. Get curious and choose something that you love to do.


What is something you’ve always wanted to try? Have you always wanted to write, learn to paint, or learn how to play a musical instrument? Try it in 2021.

Feel AWE

Seek out something that brings you a feeling of awe. Climb to the top of a hill and marvel at the view of nature surrounding you (or just watch a nature documentary if you can’t find a big hill to climb). View art that amazes you. It can even be as simple as being in awe of your ability to have made it through 2020. You are awe inspiring, too!

Discover What Makes You HAPPY

Cultivate gratitude, move your body (do yoga, dance, run, etc.), meditate, chat with your neighbor, a friend, or someone who makes you laugh. What makes you happy?

Really think about what a joyful life means to you, write it down or add a note into your phone, and then do those things that bring you joy. Even if you start slow, just doing one thing can make a difference. Make a plan to experience joy. See how choosing the joyful path impacts you. Your joy is a gift to yourself.

May you have peace within,