Cool number of the day!

Past cool numbers of the day:

9/16-17/20 The cool number of the day is 230! The sperm whale is the loudest animal. Their clicks have been measured at 230 dB!

9/14-15/20 The cool number of the day is 7! Just like humans, giraffes have 7 vertebrae in their neck, however a giraffe vertebrae can be over 10 inches long!

9/10-11/20 The cool number of the day is 24! Alligators prepare slowly to stay underwater for a long period by slowing their heart beat, and temperature; under the right conditions they can stay underwater up to 24 hours.

9/8-9/20 The cool number of the day is 3! A reptile called the tuatara has 3 eyes! The “eye” has a retina, lens, and nerve endings, yet it is not used for seeing. It is visible under young tuataras’ skin but becomes covered with scales and pigment in a few months, making it hard to see. The unique eye is sensitive to light and may help the tuatara judge the time of day or season.