Speech Timing


Speech Timer Responsibilities

General order of events and logistics

Prepared speech


Impromptu speech

Timer Scripts


Timer Script - Prepared speech

Welcome. We will start with your prepared speech, which is up to four minutes long. When three minutes have gone by and one minute is remaining, I will hold up the GREEN card. When three minutes and thirty seconds have gone by and thirty seconds are remaining, I will hold up the YELLOW card. At four minutes, I will hold up the RED card and ask you to finish your current sentence and stop speaking. To avoid a timing point deduction, you need to reach the yellow card, but not go past the red card. Timing will begin with your first spoken word.


Timer Script - Impromptu speech

Part one: We will now move on to the impromptu portion of the speech event. When prompted, you will turn over the piece of paper on this desk (pointing) and see three impromptu questions. You will have sixty seconds to choose a question and prepare a speech that is up to two minutes in length. You may use provided note cards and pencil if desired

Part two: Your one minute is complete.  Please indicate which question you will be speaking on.  <pause> As a reminder, your impromptu speech is up to two minutes long. When one minute has gone by and one minute is remaining, I will hold up the GREEN card. When ninety seconds have gone by and thirty seconds are remaining, I will hold up the YELLOW card. At two minutes, I will hold up the RED card and ask you to finish your current sentence and stop speaking. To avoid a timing point deduction, you need to reach the yellow card, but not go past the red card. Timing will begin with your first spoken word.

Timer - Foldable Triad of Speech Time Cards.pdf

Printable Speech Timing Cards