Frequently Asked Questions

Q:    How do we incorporate pass fail courses?

    A:    They don't count for or against the gpa.  It's like they don't exist forget pass...don't count the credit or the P if they pass. If they fail, count the credit and the grade as a 0.


Q:    If/when we get to state, do the alternates write an essay?

    A:    Yes, the alternates are encouraged to write the essay.  It's great practice for future competitions, and they will count if the alternate takes the place of another participant for State Competition.


Q:    I have a student who has a 504 Plan. Can there be accommodations made for her?

    A:    We will do our absolute best to accommodate any 504 Plan or IEP. 


Q:    I have a student from Mexico and was in Mexico for 9th & 10th grades and then at our school for 11th grade and is now a senior.  I have her transcript for Mexico and here.  Do I figure all of the grades 9-11?

    A:    If you feel her 10th grade grades from Mexico are an accurate representation of her abilities, you would simply calculate her sophomore and junior year just like you would any senior.  For international students who do not have accurate grade representations, they must compete in the Honors division. You would not calculate using all three years.


Q:    1)      Can freshmen grades be determined with just their 8th grade courses or do I need to look up 7th and 8th grade?

A:    1)      For the freshmen, just use 8th grade grades.

Q:   2)      Do sophomores need 8th grade year courses or will freshmen year be fine?

 A: 2)      For sophomores (& juniors & seniors), you need the previous two years.


Q:    Are college/community college grades counted in AcaDec GPAs?

    A:    Yes.


Q:    Just double checking - a student can be moved up a level from their GPA, correct?

    A:    Yes, they can move up, but not down.


Q:    If a student is testing up, are they listed in his/her original HSV division or in the division where he/she will compete?

    A:    They should be listed where they will compete, but please send your regional coordinator (for regionals) or (for State) a note to explain. 


Q:    Do I include alternates in the number of students competing when filling out the Intent to Participate?

    A:    Yes.


Q:    What is the address for competition payments in Iowa?

    A:    Virginia Roudabush, IAD Treasurer, 306 3rd Street SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314.


Q:    Can I have two honors alternates for state or do I have to have one in each hsv division for my three alternates?

    A:    Each team is allowed three alternates. They can be in any of the three divisions. Yes, you can have two honors. I highly recommend you have one varsity.
