
Selected in-house data images

Metaphase spindle of a S2 cell stained for dElys (Red), alpha-tubulin (Green) and Chromatin (Blue)

High-resolution image of a metaphase plate from S2 cells expressing EYFP-dElys.

Mammalian cell expressing Periplakin (PPL) construct (Red) co-stained for Keratin (Green)

Hypothetical model explaining the possible mechanism of Nup88 and Nup62 over-expression in cancer

GFP tagged Nup88 and Nup62 full length and truncations (Green) expressed in HeLa cells and costained with mAb414 antibody (red) and Chromatin (Blue)

Transient expression of Pf-SUMO in HeLa cells and staining with Pf-SUMO antibody.