
Manipulation, Abuse, and Maltreatment in Groups

Manipolazioni, Abusi e Vessazioni nei Gruppi

Trieste, Italy / Italia

July/luglio 4–6, 2013

July 3 / luglio 3, 2013 – Preconference Events / Eventi Precongressuali

Poster Session / Sessione Poster

Poster presenters have been asked to stand with their posters during the two poster sessions, so that attendees can discuss the work individually with the authors.

I presentatori dei poster si fermeranno in piedi accanto al proprio poster durante le due sessioni, per permettere ai partecipanti di discutere il lavoro individualmente con gli autori

♦ About the epistemological status of sectarian influence, mind control, and cultic behavior (Xavier Leger, MA)

♦ Magia curativa (Silvana Radoani)

♦ Fatture magiche (Silvana Radoani)

♦ Influence, mind control, and brainwashing: a mathematical model to explain them all (Masoud Banisadr)

♦ Rage against the system: the experience of members of a left wing political cult group and the warning signs in today’s political movements (Kurt Krumperman; Maureen May)

♦ Superstizione e divinazione in Italia (Silvana Radoani)

♦ The Cult Life Cycle Model (Arthur Buchman)

♦ Transference and countertransference within cultic relationships and clinical encounters: a structural-semiotic perspective (Arthur Mary)

♦ Truth and knowledge within cults. a philosophical and clinical discussion about cultic epistemologies (Olivier Faelens; Arthur Mary)

♦ Universality and diversities of the Group Psychological Abuse Scale (Bin Li)

♦ What helps former cult members recover from an abusive cult experience (Gillie Jenkinson)

♦ Zen has no morals! The latent potential for corruption and abuse in Zen Buddhism, as exemplified by two recent cases (Christopher Hamacher)

Note: In order to maintain consistency we have opted for the Italian convention of capitalizing only the first word and proper nouns in titles.

Nota: Per poter essere coerenti con la convenzione italiana, abbiamo scelto di mettere in maiuscolo solo la prima parola e i nomi personali dei titoli.

Comitato Organizzatore| Trieste Conference Planning Committee


Per informazioni

SOS Abusi Psicologici


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