Design Process

While the Applied Tech class has students do activities about robots, bridges, rockets, catapults and dragsters; the class is really about the Design Process. We cannot learn about enough about these specific topics in a 9 week period to be completely proficient However, we can use the same frame work over and over again in these different disciplines and learn about the process itself. Learning the process is important because it can be applied in a variety of areas, technological or not. At it's core, the Design Process is problem solving. Click here for the Design Process Blank Worksheet.

The Seven Step Design Process

Step One: Problem Identification - This is the first step in the process, identifying the problem is universally excepted as the first step in any problem solving process or framework. Clearly identifying the problem helps keep you or the team focused on the objective. Communicating the problem will help a team by clearly identifying the objective.

Step Two: Research & Investigation - This is where you identify what you know and what you need to learn about in order to create a solution. Often times you will already know most of what you need to in order to solve problems. However, it may be necessary for you to learn more information about a problem or learn a new skill in order to solve the problem. You need to be able to find good reliable information from multiple sources.

Step Three: Create Problem Solutions - You might come up with the solution for your problem in your head right away. It might take some time and consideration. It is a good idea to think of multiple ways to solve a problem, this won't be difficult if you are working in a team. It is important to consider as many ideas as possible, you never know when a crazy idea might end up changing the way things are done.

Step Four: Choose the Best Solution - Often, the best solution to a problem isn't viable given the resources you have. When evaluating solutions, you need to think through the design and construction and weather or not the solution is achievable. You might need to continue developing multiple ideas before the best solution is presents itself.

Step Five: Development Work & Analysis - This stage is where you decide exactly what the solution will look like, what it is made out of and how you will build it. You will create your final "design" of the solution, this might be a computer rendered drawing or your design might be hand drawn. Whatever the shape of your design, you need to have a clear vision of what the solution is going to be.

Step Six: Construct a Prototype - At this point you will build a test model or prototype. It is important that the product of this stage is functional and can be tested to see if it solves the problem.

Step Seven: Test & Evaluate - Finally, you can use the prototype to test the solution. Then, you need to analyze the results of the test to see if the solution works. If it doesn't work, you will then start this process over to identify what the problem with the prototype. You will revise your solution and test it again until it solves the problem.