From Squash TA server 1.7.0-RELEASE

Securing your Squash TA server

Immediately after installation, Jenkins will allow anyone to run anything. It is essential to set up basic security.

The section below, based on Jenkins Standard Security Setup, is given for testing purpose only. For an industrialized solution you should choose the best solution according to your environment (More details on securing Jenkins).

    • From the Jenkins home page, go to "Manage jenkins / Configure Global Security"

    • Check "Enable security"

    • In "Access Control / Security Realm", select "Jenkins's own user database"

    • Check "Allow users to sign up"

    • For testing purpose on a local computer, the easiest way is to set "Authorization" to "Anyone can do anything"

    • Click on "Apply"

    • Refresh your web page

    • Click on "sign up" (top right)

    • Create a user for Squash TM (login = tmserver, password = tmserver)

Configuring Squash TM callback

When requested to execute automated tests by Squash TM, Squash TA run the tests and sends their statuses back to Squash TM. Here is how this feature works:

    • When Squash TM requests a Squash TA server to execute an automated test, it also sends it a callback URL

    • Squash TA uses this URL to inform Squash TM about the execution. To do so, Squash TA needs to authenticate to Squash TM.

On Squash TA Server side, the association between the callback URL and the credentials is done in a properties file. To modify this file:

    • In your jenkins interface go to "Manage jenkins / Managed files"

    • Edit the file

    • In this file, you should define, for each TM Server using this Squash-TA Server, the callback URL and the associated credentials. For a TM Server which callback URL is : http://myServer:8080/squash and the credentials are taserver / taserver then you should define the three properties below:






Configuring JENKINS_URL

Since Squash TA framework 1.8.0, Squash TA provides the URL of the execution report to Squash TM. To do so, it requires the JENKINS_URL variable to be set, as follows:

    • Go to "Manage Jenkins / Configure system"

    • In the "Jenkins location" section, set the correct value for the "Jenkins URL" property

    • Click on "Save" or "Apply"


When you first start Jenkins, even if the "JENKINS_URL" field contains the right value, you have to click on "Save" or "Apply". Otherwise the JENKINS_URL property won't be set.