D - Compatibility

Squash-TA framework 1.9.0

In this version we have pushed some evolutions in order to upgrade all composants to their latest version. As a consequence, the specidfied log configuration file is unused. Whe then strongly advise to remove the corresponding line o your pom.xml in order to avoid confusion :

<!-- Log configuration file -->


The location of log4j configuration file is now specified in your launch configurations by setting the "log4j.configurationFile" environment variable :

mvn squash-ta:run -Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml

Is not setted, the default configuration file taken into account is the embedded maven one.

Since we upgraded log4j version from 1.7.12 to 2.5, the logging conguration file syntax has changed. You can find detail on how to migrate your configuration file in apache documentation. Note that we we strongly advise to use ".xml" format to configure your logging, ".properties" format is still supported but not esealy readable and very verbose by log4j-2.x.

To upgrade a TA project to Squash-TA framework 1.9.0 you have, as usual, to upgrade the framework version in the pom.xml of your project (See guide).

Squash-TA framework 1.7.0

In this version we have pushed some evolutions in order to simplify the pom.xml file. As a consequence, a new pom.xml template has been introduce. (See here for more informations on the new default pom). However projects based on the previous pom template still working. These evolutions leads also to some modifications

Compatibility between the Squash-TA framework and the pom.xml:

To upgrade a TA project to Squash-TA framework 1.7.0 you have, as usual, to upgrade the framework version in the pom.xml of your project (See guide).

You could also decide to modify your pom in order to it was based on the new pom template. This migration has some consequence so please read this and this before decide to migrate your pom.

Here are the step to migrate your pom to new template

1) Have a look on the compatibility matrices below

2) Take as base the sample pom that you can find in our wiki : sample pom

3) Replace the groupID, ArtifactID and the version of this sample by those currently used in your pom

4) Modify the property logConfFile if needed

5) If you have some jdbc driver define in your current pom, declare them also in the new pom

6) Transfer all specific configuration you've done in your current pom to the new pom

7) You new pom is ready