1 - Create a job


This document explains how to deploy a Squash-TA test project as a Squash-TA execution job. To sum up, you need to duplicate the template job into a new job, and edit its configuration to point it to the correct subversion URL for your test project.


First, as you may guess, you need to have deployed a Squash TA execution server. If you haven't, please refer to the Install Squash TA server.

Second, you need an authorized subversion user for jenkins to check the project out (and, of course, you need a commited Sqaush-TA automation project). Note that by default svn is used as scm but it possible to use another SCM like mercurial or GIT


  • Connect to your execution server through your web browser. From here, click on "New job" in the left side menu:

  • In the next screen, enter a relevant job name, then select the "Copy existing job" option and choose the template from the list and click on the "Ok"

    • Until Squash-TA Server 1.6.1, template job name was : templateSquashTAExeceutionJob (based on a free style job which is OS dependent)

    • From Squash-TA server 1.7.0, template job name was : templateSquashTAExeceutionMavenJob (based on maven job is OS independent)

  • After confirming the job creation, your are presented with the job configuration screen to customize the new job. There are basically three settings to change:

    • First, modify the job description:

    • Second, enable build:

    • Third, fill the Source Code Management section:

      • Fourth click on "Save" or "Apply"

Archives : The old page for job creation is available here