Mentoring for Provisional Teachers

Welcome to the Hudson County Schools of Technology. We are excited to assist in getting your teaching career started.

As a provisional teacher you will be assigned a mentor who will meet with you and discuss school and district policy, curriculum, lesson plans, and more. If you are a CE holder you will meet with your mentor once per week for a period of eight weeks. If you hold a CEAS, you will meet with your mentor once per week for a period of four weeks. Your mentor will be required to log these meetings. Once the initial eight or four week period is over, your mentor will still be available to you for the remainder of the school year. At the end of the school year, a survey regarding your mentoring experience will be disseminated for you to complete to assist us in the development and improvement of our mentoring program.

Child Abuse Training

One requirement for Provisional Teachers is a training entitled "Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect, What School Personnel Need to Do."

There are four modules to the training. You will find them and the handouts that accompany them below. Please complete the training and the related post test. Once completed, please forward the post test to me via interoffice or email at

Child Abuse Training Module 1

Child Abuse Training Module 2

Child Abuse Training Module 3

Child Abuse Training Module 4

Handouts and Post Test