Become a Lab User

Becoming a LAE lab user

Agreement form to become a lab user:

If you plan to use the labs frequently, reserve space in the labs, or want to check out equipment, you should join the labs as an active lab user. Lab users who are students should be working closely with a faculty member. It is not possible to become a lab user or to check out/return equipment outside of term time (e.g., during summer months). If you need to use lab equipment during these times, please plan ahead.

Fill out the agreement form, read it carefully, fill out all of the necessary information and LAE Labs will contact you with the quiz link and other necessary procedures. It is recommended that you begin the process of becoming a LAE Labs user at least two weeks before planning to use the labs' resources.

The quiz will take approx. 30 mins. Please allow plenty of time to complete the quiz.

If you have any questions, please contact the lab GAs at

Mailing list

Lab users will be included in the "lae-labs" email list after successfully passing the quiz. Through the listserv, the LAE Labs will deliver information about lab meetings, policies, events, and other announcements.

Lab Requests

All lab-related requests (including the installation of software, moving of equipment, and reservation of lab space) should be requested by email sent to

Requests can be processed most easily and quickly if there is a relevant subject line and you state concisely what you will need, when you will need it, and what it is for (e.g., your dissertation project). Please recognize that the people who maintain the labs are faculty who have many other responsibilities, such as teaching and advising students, especially during busy times of the semester. It may take a few days for the relevant person to have the chance to get to your request. In cases where the request involves coordination among several faculty members, it can take much longer to get back to you.