Tutorials & Guides

***Please note that all LAE Lab tutorial workshops are on hold until further notice. (Updated Fall 2022)***

General Information:

The LAE Labs run and support guides and tutorial workshops for LAE Labs users. These guides and tutorials both introduce new technologies and programs to LAE Labs users as well as help strengthen the understanding of users who are looking to further their abilities. The tutorials are held during the semester in the Phonetics Lab (Moore 162). The guides go into further depth than the guides and are continuously updated. Both the guides and materials for the tutorial workshops are available on Google Drive.

Users must be LAE Labs users and logged into their UH emails in order to access folders. If you are a lab user, but do not have access, please email LAE Labs at: laelabs@hawaii.edu

General LAE Labs Tutorial Workshop Folder:

Workshop Folder

LING 632 Assignments & Workshops:

Student Led Workshops

Past Tutorial Workshops:

The workshops that have been held include an introduction to R, resynthesis, Praat, plotting, pitch, NORM, Montreal Aligner, FAVE-align, microphones, recorders, E-Prime, PsychoPy, graphing in R, ELAN, and more. Please reach out to the LAE Labs staff if there are any novel or repeat workshops that you would like to suggest!