
University of Texas study looking at ways to help students get ready for the demands of algebra:

"Learning is hard. True, learning is fun, exhilarating and gratifying- but it is also often daunting, exhausting and sometimes discouraging..... To help students, we must realize that character is at least as important as intellect."

Angela Duckworth, author and "GRIT Scale" researcher at UPENN, found that students' self-discipline score is a better predictor of final GPAs than their IQ scores. This sounds obvious, but it has implications for what we need to include in our work with students.

Performance Character = Are you a hard worker? Are you tenacious? Are you willing to learn and try new strategies in order to improve your ability to succeed in school?

The thing is, kids need a formula, at least at first, because what we are asking them to do is very difficult. So God, let’s stop acting like they should just know how to do it. Give them a formula! Later, when they understand the rules of good writing, they can figure out how to break them.” -Judith Hochman on teaching students to use graphic organizers for writing.

October is Bullying Awareness month. Mike Lepene, RMS Associate Principal, led our educational assistants through a bullying awareness training. Here is a link to the course: