Graphic Organizers

Why Use Graphic Organizers??

Random facts are quickly lost. However, the brain's ability to store pictures is unlimited. Since the brain likes to chunk information, the graphic organizer complements the way the brain naturally works. – Education Oasis Website

  • Graphic Organizers are a way to help students organize their thinking in a visual way that removes words and focuses on the connections.

  • Graphic Organizers are great tools for activities that ask students to review concepts and demonstrate their understanding.

  • Graphic Organizers allow students to easily make changes and take different perspectives.

  • Graphic Organizers help students clarify their thinking.

  • Graphic Organizers consolidate a huge amount of information in a single picture to provide the “big view” of a topic.

  • Graphic Organizers make the thought process explicit and helps keep students on track.

  • Graphic Organizers can be used as a nice planning tool from information gathering to written product.