

This web site provides easy, online access to government information on food and human nutrition.

Composition of Human Milk

Breastmilk is a complex fluid, rich in nutrients and in non-nutritional bioactive components. Knowledge of the composition of human milk and the factors that influence it has increased considerably over the past two decades. This web page briefly summarizes current understanding.

Human Anatomy Online: Digestive System

One of 10 types of systems on the site, this diagram shows parts of the digestive system, and clicking on the small buttons will provide more information on the chosen part.

Pathophysiology of the Digestive System

An introduction to the human digestive system. Then take a closer look at the structure and function of the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines. Also covers the digestive physiology in different species.

Interactive Food Pyramid

A guide to daily food choices. The clickable pyramid provides you with examples of amounts and types of food that creates a balanced diet.

Food Pyramids and Plates: What Should You Really Eat?

The Harvard School of Public Health shows how to translate the food pyramid into what goes onto your plate.

What Does the Pancreas Do?

An introduction to the structure, endocrine and exocrine functions of the pancreas.

Your Digestive System and How It Works

Part of NIDDK website, a brief introduction to the digestive system: how food is digested, absorption and transport of nutrients, hormone regulators, and nerve regulators.

Fast Food Nutrition Information