Provincial Attendance Policy
Updated August , 2023
The school believes there is a strong connection between students’ success in school and their attendance. Therefore, we have in place an attendance policy that has as its foundation that students must be here to succeed.
Students who are absent from school must have their parent/guardian call the school’s 24-hour attendance voice mail, (902) 541-8300. Parent/guardians are to identify themselves, give the student’s name and the valid reason for the absence. For absences that are not reported, our PVEC PowerSchool Alert Solutions Communication System will be calling the parent/guardian to inquire about the absence. For any remaining unexcused absences written excuses will be accepted in the office. They should be given directly to the attendance administrative assistant.
Period attendance is taken at the beginning of each class and homeroom period.
When a student is going to miss class time (but not a full day) the school needs to be given this information. Parents/guardians are asked to provide this information to the office in one the following ways:
If your student is arriving to school late, please bring your child to the main administrative office and complete the required information on the sign-in or sign-out form.
If your student is leaving school early, please come to the office and complete the required information and we will page your student to the office to meet you.
Provide the office with a note signed by the parent/guardian or a note signed by a physician indicating the time and reason for absence – this must be attached give to office staff at the time of sign in/sign out..
Contact the attendance line (902-541-8300) in advance giving verbal permission and indicating the time and reason from absence.
Please note that in every case students must fill out the required information in the office.
Teachers record lates through PowerSchool attendance at the beginning of each class.
Students who are late for class must go to the main office and obtain a late slip and sign in.
Students who leave early from class must report to the main office to sign out.
Teachers should be ready to start class on time and whenever possible be standing at the door to greet students.
After a student has been late for a teacher’s class on two or three occasions the teacher should discuss the issue with the student.
Continued disruption to the class by arriving late will be reported to the office on a discipline referral form.
Each time a student is referred to the office for any reason, their tardy totals may be examined and used as a factor in deciding on interventions.
Students have to understand that lates are a major disruption to the class.
Administration and teachers who may have caused a student to be late give the student a slip to take to their next teacher.
Daily attendance will be taken each class.
All daily attendance is available on the Parent and Student PowerSchool Portal.
Parents will receive a nightly phone call for any unexcused absences that day. This is to remind parents to call in the valid excuse or to indicate that their student is not excused from class(es).
All period attendance data is included on report cards.