Unarmed and Armed Drill Written Exam Study Guide


1.  Pace = 30 inch length of a full step in quick time (measured from toe to heel)     

2.  Double time = 36 inch pace  

3.  Fall in(ranks) = 40 inch interval

4.  line formation/Column formation  distance = 40 inches  from your chest to the individual in front of you  

5.  half step = 15 inch pace

6.  parade rest = move left foot 12 inches (measured from the inside of each heel)

7.  Snap -immediate and smart execution of a movement

8.  Column - a formation in which elements are placed one behind the other.

9.  at ease  - may move about, no talking, keep right foot in place

10.  Rest - may move and talk keep right foot in place

11. attention - no talking, heels together, feet 45 degrees, looking straight ahead, thumbs along trouser seam.

Q: What does the DC say when going from a platoon formation to a single squad? A:  "Column of files from the right"

Q:  When going from platoon formation to column of files what does the 3rd squad leader say? A: forward

Q: When going from platoon to column of files what does the 2nd and 1st squad leader say? A: "stand fast"

Q: When the DC gives the command "March" what does the 2nd SL say? A:  "column half right column half left "march"

Q: What does the 1st SL say after the 2nd Squad leader conducted the correct movement? A: " Column half right march'  "column half left march" 

Q: What is the command to have the entire platoon pivot left 90 degrees? A:  "By the left Flank, march"

Q: What is the command to have the entire platoon pivot right 45 degrees at the same time? A: Right oblique, march"

Q: What is the command to have the squad leaders pivot left 45 degrees then each element in succession? A: column  left march"

Q: What is the command to leave your position in ranks but remain nearby?  A: FALL OUT

Q: What does the 3rd SL say when the DC says "column of threes to the left"? A: Stand fast 

Q: What does the 2nd SL say when the DC says "column of threes to the left"? A: column half left column half right 

Q: What does the 1st SL say when the DC says 'column of threes to the left"? A: Forward

Q: How many paces forward does the 1st SL march on "Open ranks march"? A: 2 paces

Q: How many paces forward does the 2nd SL march on "Open ranks march"? A: 1 pace

Q: How many paces forward does the 3rd SL march on "Open ranks march"? A: none

Q; How many paces forward does the 4th SL march on "Open ranks march"? A: 2 half paces backwards

Q; How many paces forward does the 5th SL march on "Open ranks march"? A: 4 half paces backwards

Q; What does each squad do after they have completed their open ranks march? A: dress right dress

Q: How many degrees to the right do you turn your head on a dress right dress? A: 45 degrees


Q;  How many count movement right shoulder arms from order arms = 4 count

Q:  How many count movement left shoulder arms from order arms= 4 count    

Q;  How many count movement order arms from left shoulder arms = 5 count

Q:  How many count movement order arms from right shoulder arms = 4 count