Uniform Inspection Score Sheet



This is your score sheet(SS). You will get this SS on Monday or Tuesday and take it home and grade your grooming and uniform. The SS will not be available the day of the inspection. You will hand this SS filled out with your self assessment to your S.L. before the inspection. If the form is not handed in your Uniform is a minimum of 50%.

 This is your homework assignment, it will count 100 points and your uniform grade will count another 100 points.

If you are not clean shaven, shoes not highly polished, haircut not within regulations your uniform and homework grade will be a 50% 1st warning.  2nd warning your uniform and homework grade will be a zero and reduced in rank. 3rd warning your uniform and homework grade will both be zero and reduced in rank.

            The position of attention means your feet are 45 degrees, thumbs along trouser seam, stand tall lean back eyes looking forward. Moving or talking at attention will be a zero.

                                                                                                Warnings     1st     2nd       3rd 

·         Do you know your 11 G.O/C.O.C/Navy ranks            Yes or No

·         Are you clean shaven(no facial hair)? males           Yes or No

·         Shoes highly polished/soles blackened?                Yes or No

·         Haircut within regulations?                                        Yes or No

·         Gig line straight?                                                         Yes or No

·         Black socks?                                                                Yes or No

·         Ribbons/nametag measured 1/4”? males                 Yes or No

·         Ribbons/nametag measured 61/4”? females           Yes or No

·         Cover 1” above brow?                                                Yes or No

·         Fouled anchor measured 2’ x 1 1/2’?                       Yes or No

·         Clean white only T-shirt?                                          Yes or No

·         Fingernails clean and 1/4”?                                       Yes or No

·         Uniform/cover pressed and wrinkle free?               Yes or No

·         Shirt stays on?                                                          Yes or No

·         Uniform tucked in and tight fitting?                      Yes or No

·         Uniform free of IP’s?                                              Yes or No

·         Uniform have all items?                                         Yes or No

·         Buckle shiny and free of scratches?                   Yes or No

·         Any unauthorized articles                                     Yes or No


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