Glastonbury Public Schools Special Education and Pupil Services

Referral Process

Special Education Services Referral 

There are occasions when, despite consistent implementation of scientific, research based intervention (SRBI) over time, students continue to demonstrate learning difficulties. It is at this point that a referral to special education may be made. 

Referrals can be made by parents, teachers, or support staff. The person completing the referral form must elaborate on the specific areas of concern, alternate strategies attempted, and services provided in the past.   The referral date “starts the clock” with regard to the evaluation period. Federal and state guidelines dictate that evaluations be completed and eligibility be determined within 45 school days or 60 calendar days of the referral.


Once a formal referral to Special Education has been made, the team convenes in a meeting called the Planning and Placement Team Meeting (PPT). The purpose of the initial PPT is to discuss concerns regarding student progress as a complete team (e.g. parents, school administrator, regular education teacher, school psychologist, special education teacher, speech/language pathologist), and in many cases, to recommend evaluation.

Specific assessments are recommended based upon the nature of the student’s learning issues. Curriculum based measures are always examined in order to determine whether the student is able to successfully access grade level information. Parent permission is necessary for testing to occur, and that signed permission is obtained at the initial PPT. The evaluation process must be completed within 45 school days, and a second PPT held to review results and determine if the child is eligible for special education services.

For more information regarding the referral and evaluation process, please contact your school administrator, or click here  to access resources through the State Department of Education.