Glastonbury Public Schools Special Education and Pupil Services
School Psychology
In the Glastonbury Public Schools, psychologists help students succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. We work directly with students and on their behalf by consulting with teachers, parents, administrators and other professionals. Our roles are listed below.
With Students:
Provide individual and/or group counseling for school related problems such as anxiety, anger, crisis events, and social skills
Provide classroom lessons on a variety of topics
Conduct evaluations to determine eligibility for special education and related services
Support and monitor behavioral and academic progress
With Parents:
Identify and address learning and behavior problems
Teach parenting skills and enhance home–school collaboration
Make referrals to private practitioners and agencies and help coordinate community support services
With Teachers:
Design and implement academic and behavioral interventions
Support effective individualized instruction
Collaborate to create positive classroom environments
With Administrators:
Collect and analyze data related to school improvement and student outcomes
Implement school-wide prevention programs
Promote school-wide practices that ensure a safe climate by reducing violence, bullying, and harassment
Respond to crises by providing leadership and coordinate with community services and school mental health programming