Glastonbury Public Schools

PRIDE Program

Providing Resources for Individual Development in Education, or PRIDE, is the district’s specialized Autism program, currently located at Nayaug Elementary School. 

PRIDE Program Overview

Providing Resources for Individual Development in Education (PRIDE)  is the district's specialized program which services students with Autism or other developmental disabilities in grades PreK-5. The program is currently located at Nayaug Elementary School. While most PRIDE services are consultative, the nature or severity of a child's disability may result in the need for more intensive and direct services utilizing an array of specialized instructional supports. 

Educational teams in all schools across the district have the skills and resources necessary to ensure student growth. Student growth is measured by progress toward IEP (Individual Education Plan) goals and objectives. There are times, however, when the home school is not the least restrictive environment in which to educate a child with Autism or other developmental disabilities. This becomes evident when minimal social, behavioral, communication, or academic growth is noted over time, despite multiple interventions and consults from PRIDE program staff. In such instances, the Planning and Placement Team may decide that more intensive services are required, and total inclusion in the PRIDE program is necessary.   

The decision to move a child from his or her home school is worthy of a great deal of consideration, and not one to be made outside of a team process. Parents, teachers, support staff and administrators must work together to analyze information and develop a plan designed to provide educational benefit to a child.