Programs at Eastbury Preschool Logo

Integrated Preschool Program

Screening & Birth to Three

If you have concerns about your child's development, please contact Helene Lynch at 860-652-7858 or    

Preschool Screenings

The preschool team offers screenings throughout the school year for children who live in Glastonbury.  The Child Find process identifies children ages three to five who may require special education services through the public schools. Parents may refer their child for a Preschool Screening at any time by contacting Helene Lynch at 860-652-7858 or  Our Screening Team is made up of special education teachers, a speech/language pathologist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, a school psychologist, and our school nurse. 

Glastonbury Public Schools distributes information about the preschool referral process to local pediatricians, community preschools and child care centers, and other town organizations. Please click here for additional resources:  State Department of Education

The Birth to Three System

The Connecticut Birth to Three System is established in accordance with state and federal law. Agencies throughout the state provide early intervention services to infants and toddlers who have been identified as having a disability or a significant developmental delay.

As a child receiving Birth to Three services nears his or her third birthday, school districts are notified, and a Transition Meeting is scheduled. Information is shared between the Birth to Three team and the district, and the process of determining eligibility for school based services begins. Close collaboration between both teams is an essential component of the transition process. Please click here for a Department of Education tutorial course on transitioning from Birth to Three services to your public school system. You will be asked to enter your email address and other optional information prior to beginning the course.