
Green Bay East 

Red Devil Band Site

Welcome to Green Bay East Band Website

Within this site you will find:

calendar dates, 

handbook information, 

solo-ensemble information, 

marching band mini lessons.  

This site is administered by 

Mrs. Karen Iken

Please add the new music-drama-dance organization website to your contacts. You will find a collection of dates, performances, needs, meetings, etc. All in one place!


Have a great summer everyone!

Look for information from Mr. Maichle in July regarding Marching Camp (btw-it will be the week of Aug. 12)

Here we go everyone! End of the school year and lots of stuff!!!

Spring Concert

Wed., May 22, 7:15pm

East High School Auditorium

Band students report to the band room at 6:30

Concert dress = marching pants, dress shoes, assigned shirt color (no writing or pictures on shirts, no t-shirts)

*This performance is part of your trimester 3 grade*

All uniforms must be turned in after this concert

Pep Assembly

Thur., May 23, 2:15pm 

East High School 

This is a school event. School dismissal will be at normal time.

Music Department Banquet/Celebration

Tue., May 28, 6:00pm

East High School Cafeteria  

Information has been sent to parents through email and Talking Points texts.

All families are welcome. Please sign up using the link from the information that was sent. If you missed here are the links again.

https://forms.gle/Ff6ZurgiPNT75MNh7  (RSVP-reply to attend)

https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4FA4A722A5F49-49672995-2024  (sign up for your favorite food to share)

A main food item will be provided (pork carnitas and a vegetarian option)

East Graduation Performance

Fri., May 31, 6:30pm

East High School City Stadium (if rain - we will be in the gym)

Graduation will begin at 7pm. Band will perform starting at 6:30. 

Please carpool or plan to be dropped off. Parking lots will be full and you will need to walk to the band room.

We will perform pep band tunes plus the processional (walking in music) and recessional (walking out music)

Performance dress = something nice, shorts are acceptable (NOT short shorts).

*This performance is part of your trimester 3 grade*

All school instruments must be turned in after this performance

Solo-Ensemble Festival, Feb. 24

performance schedule above

Preble High School needs parent volunteers to supervise performance rooms. A couple hours of your time would make a huge difference! 

The organizers also make sure that you can get time to be present for your student's performance. The link to sign up is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScThViaBiLH_KF9_08nrLUuUyZ9H0fetvvsgvWIb1mI8MbP_Q/viewform?usp=sf_link 

Nov. 18 - Band Concert

yes, this is the same day as the parade!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov. 18 - Green Bay Holiday Parade

·       8:30am - Arrive early to change into uniform = black marching shoes, black socks, white gloves, full marching uniform and santa hat (remember to wear appropriate amounts of clothing under uniform). Santa hats available in band room if you don’t have your own  J. Hats must be red and white or red and black.

·       9:00 – at school to load bus.  Door 8.  You will get instrument, etc., out of band room. We will not take cases, only instruments.

·       9:15bus leaves school.

·       9:30 – bus unloads downtown.

·       10:00 – parade begins         

·       10:15 – estimated time that East group will begin marching [we are unit #17]

·       11:00 – estimated time that East group will return to school

·       Make sure to eat breakfast.  It is not a long parade but will still require a fair amount of energy (especially in cold weather).

·       Dress appropriate for weather

If you will be picking up your student at the parade, you MUST contact me for a transportation waiver form before Thursday (Nov. 16).  This must be signed and returned to school Friday, Nov. 17, for Activity Director’s approval. You will also be required to take responsibility for the instrument (including case and percussion instruments). You may not meet to pick up a student at the parade unless you have pre-approved permission 


get it taken care of during lunch, or before/after school

GBAPS Marching Showcase

Oct. 7, 2023 at Preble HS

additional information for spectators above

10:00am arrive at Preble – leave case in auditorium or bring everything to stadium

10:15am meet on football field to run through show

11:00am return football field for combined rehearsal

Noon lunch (provided)

12:30pm          dress – full uniform (marching shoes, black socks, marching pants, jacket, overlay, white gloves, hat), you must take shoes and gloves home Fri

12:55pm report to field for start of show as a group

1:00pm show starts w/school songs and SSB

2:00pm            approximately time of show conclusion, clean up space in auditorium and take uniforms and instruments 

3:00pm           East band room will be open to drop off instruments, OR - bring to school Monday

Reminder: this performance is part of you marching grade - if you are in the football game on Oct. 7,  you will have an alternate assignment per GBAPS school board policy

***Homecoming Week***

Sept. 18

Music parents' meeting in cafeteria, 6:30pm

Sept. 21  

pep band for soccer and volleyball (same as Sept. 12)

Sept. 22

PLEASE PLAN AHEAD!!! We will go through things in class each day as a reminder starting on Friday, Sept. 15. 

Wed., Aug. 23

We WILL have practice tonight. It is cool in the band room and that's where we will be until 7:30. Will go out to march for a little bit at 7:30.

Football practice starts at 8:00, and if you are in football, I will have you headed to that in plenty of time.

🎺Pep Band🎷

additional performance🥁

Aug. 24, 3:30-4pm at West HS for GBAPS Family Carnival 

There will be parking available in the 2 parking lots at West HS and along the street near West. However, do not count on there being enough space. Recommend parking at East and car pool with friends, or get one parent to take several students. You will be able to pick up instruments at East until 2:30. I will head over to West at that time to set up things. We will perform in the grassy area/field next to the football field. Please be at West HS no later than 3:15. We perform at 3:30. This will be outside. Bring sunglasses and water bottles, and wear appropriate clothing for outside in August (school appropriate with East apparel or pep band shirt, shorts ARE appropriate)

noon - 2:30 - Iken will be in the band room for instrument pick up

3:15 - meet outside West Football Stadium in back of school w/instrument and music

3:30 - move/march to performance area (West's pep band will be finishing up)

4:00 - finish and go home

6:30 - marching camp (update: we will end at 7:30)

First day of marching camp 2023 is history - don't miss out on the excitement and cool music. 

Marching Camp 2023

Mark your calendar!!!!

Aug. 15, 16, 17, 23, 24 (6:30-8pm)

First Pep Bands

Aug. 25 & Sept. 1

Warm up in the band room starts at 6:15, enter door 8. Once we are outside at 6:30, you can't get in the band room until after we are done performing at halftime. If you are going to be late, have your instrument and music with you or plan for a friend to get it for you.

Bellin Run Pep Band

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Allouez Optimists Park/Miracle Field on Libal 


We survived the freezing parade temperatures and wind!!! 


Thank you parents for all your help - and hand warmers ;-)

Final Performances for Trimester 1, 2022

Green Bay Holiday Parade, Saturday, November 19. all morning (specific times will be announced when the schedule is announced from Downtown Green Bay)

GBAPS Marching Showcase

at Southwest High School

Oct. 8, 2022

East Band 2021-22

You were awesome on the 11th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many positive comments from runners including one of the ladies who works at McDonald's, friends of mine, past music parents and former band students. Special shout out to our guest snare drummer, Adriana Montoya Valdez! You rock, girl!!!

marching showcase 2021.mp4


GBAPS Marching Showcase

The entire show is linked above and the East only portion at approximately minute 42.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Parents of Freshmen, please read the "pep band" page on times and procedures.




East Band Slideshow 2019-20


East Band 2018-19


EHS Band 2017-18




Green Bay East Concert Tour 2017 New Orleans

New Orleans Music Dept. Trip 2016

East Band Pictures 2015-16


Concert Band - Covid Concert 2020

Symphonic Band - Covid Concert 2020

Wind Ensemble - Covid Concert 2020