College Resources

CalKIDS Program 

This program provides up to $1500 in free money for college to eligible public school students. See flyers for more information and visit today!


CalKIDS is the long-awaited children’s savings account program that offers all newborns and eligible low-income public school students in California between $25 and $1,500 to start saving for college and career training. Families are encouraged to build on this investment by opening and contributing to a ScholarShare 529 account of their own and see their college savings balances all in one place.


The program provides the following incentives:


Up to $1,500 for 3.4 Million School-Age Children:


Up to $100 for Newborn Children:


Visit today to learn more about eligibility, registering for the program, and getting started on your savings!

CalKIDS Program

Offer personalized mentoring, a step-by-step college advising group, a self-guided video course, virtual office hours, essay reading and an award-winning guide on how to apply for college and afford it too. 

Immigrants Rising_Educational Resource Binder_2023.pdf

This Educational Resource Binder: College Access for Undocumented Students in California is an all-inclusive collection of relevant, insightful, and up-to-date resources for supporting undocumented students in higher education.