Lion publications & news

These links and files describe work that my collaborators and I have completed on the Lions of Tsavo.  They focus on those lions living in the Tsavo region today, as well as the notorious man-eaters shot by Col. Patterson, now on display at the Field Museum. Most are posted as pdfs--if you wish copies of articles that are unavailable for download, write me


Chege, M., B. Sewalt, F. Lesilau, G. de Snoo, B. D. Patterson, L. Kariuki, M. Otiende, P. Omondi, H. de Iongh, K. Vrieling & L.D. Bertola. 2024. Genetic diversity of lion populations in Kenya: evaluating past management practices and recommendations for future conservation action. Evolutionary Applications 17(3): e13676. DOI

The Tsavo man-eaters as newly mounted in 1925


Patterson, B.D. 2023. The Man-eaters of Tsavo and the untapped potential of natural history collections. Curator 66(3): 523-531. read-only pdf

Nams, V. et al. (numerous authors including BDP). 2023. Spatial patterns of two large African cats: A large scale study on density, home range size, and overlap, of both lions and leopards. Mammal Review 49(2): 49-64. DOI--open access

Lions and leopards respond differently in spatial overlap as a function of home range size (Nams et al 2023)


Bertola, L.D., M. Vermaat, F. Lesilau, M. Chege, P.N. Tumenta, E.A. Sogbohossou, O.D. Schaap, H. Bauer, B.D. Patterson, P.A. White, H.H. de Iongh, J. Laros & K. Vrieling. 2022. Whole genome sequencing and the application of a SNP panel reveal primary evolutionary lineages and genomic diversity within lions (Panthera leo). BMC Genomics 23: 321. DOI-open access


Noonan, M.J. et al (53 authors including BDP). 2020. Body size-dependent underestimation of mammalian area requirements. Conservation Biology 34(4): 10171028. DOI--open access 


Noonan, M.J. et al. (numerous co-authors including BDP). 2019. A comprehensive analysis of autocorrelation and bias in home range estimation.  Ecological Monographs 89(2): e01344. DOI --  analysis includes 3 Tsavo lions 

Patterson, B.D. & T.P. Gnoske. 2019. 37—The  myth and science behind the man-eating lions of Tsavo. Pp. 116-117 in 125 moments in the natural history of the Field Museum  (F. Mercurio, E. Hogan & C. Garland, eds.). Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 391 pp. pdf 


Tucker, M.A. et al. (numerous authors including BDP). 2018. Moving in the Anthropocene: global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 359(6374): 466–469. DOI  --  analysis includes 3 Tsavo lions 


DeSantis, L.R.G. & B.D. Patterson. 2017. Dietary behavior of man-eating lions as revealed by dental microwear textures. Scientific Reports. open access

Different responses of lions and leopards to spatial overlap, from Nams et al. 2022
The genome of Tsavo's Kabochi and 9 other lions served to identify SNPs in the article by Bertola et al. 2022 (BMC Genomics)
The first man-eater, from Patterson & Gnoske 2019
Group photo Kasane lion Workshop 2016
March 2016 ALWG workshop on African lions, held in Kasane, Botswana



Dubach, J.M., M.B. Briggs, P.A. White, B.A. Ament & B.D. Patterson*. 2013. Genetic perspectives on "Lion Conservation Units" in Eastern and Southern Africa. Conservation Genetics 14:741-755. *corresponding author: pdf  SOM

Patterson, B. D. 2013. What's in a name? (Re)naming the lions of Africa. In the Field 84(2):9. pdf

Packer, C. et al. (numerous co-authors including BDP). 2013. Conserving large carnivores: Dollars and fence. Ecology Letters 16:635-641 pdf (234 kb)  SOM


Patterson, B. D. 2012. The man-eating lions of Tsavo and the science behind the killings.  Open Skies Apr 2012: 84-93. pdf (2.4 Mb)


Paul Raffaele's article in Jan 2010 Smithsonian Magazine body of story


Yeakel, J.D., B.D. Patterson, K. Fox-Dobbs, M.M. Okumura, T.E. Cerling, J.W. Moore, P.L. Koch & N.J. Dominy. 2009. Cooperation and individuality among man-eating lions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106:19040-19043 + cover. pdf (833 kb)

Bahati and Kabochi on the cover of the 10 Nov 2009 issue of PNAS USA.
A tale of two lions--Bahati (a) and Charlie (b), both six years old and from Tsavo, but raised under different climatic regimens (Fig. 1 in Evol. Biol.)


John Cody's WBBM interview (12 Sep 2008)


Patterson, B.D. 2007. The meaning of manes. Hunting Insight Africa 9:41-45. pdf (1.08 Mb).

Patterson, B.D. 2007. On the nature and significance of variability in lions (Panthera leo). Evolutionary Biology 34:55-60. pdf (258 kb).


Patterson, B.D., R.W. Kays, S.M. Kasiki & V.M. Sebestyen. 2006. Developmental effects of climate on the mane of the lion (Panthera leo). Journal of Mammalogy 87:193-200 + cover. pdf (457 kb)

Cassius on the cover of the April 2006 issue of the Journal of Mammalogy  (photo © B.D. Patterson).
Kabochi on the cover of the Dutch newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad on 7 Feb 2006 (photo © B.D. Patterson)  
Duffy's cartoon from the Des Moines Register on mane length variation and sexual selection


Patterson, B.D. 2005. Living with lions in Tsavo, or some notes on managing man-eaters. Travel News & Lifestyle (East Africa) 129 (Feb 2005): 28-31 + cover. pdf (889 kb).

Dubach, J, B.D. Patterson, M.B. Briggs, K. Venzke, J. Flammand, P. Stander, L. Scheepers & R. Kays. 2005. Molecular genetic variation across the southern and eastern geographic ranges of the African lion, Panthera leo. Conservation Genetics 7:15-24. pdf (314 kb).

Patterson, B.D. 2005. [Review] Evolving Eden: an illustrated guide to the evolution of the African large-mammal fauna, by A. Turner and M. Anton. Journal of Mammalogy86:1052-1053. pdf (93 kb).

Patterson, B.D., N. Yamaguchi, J.M. Dubach & D. York. 2005. Molecular genetics and morphological variation of lions (Panthera leo). African Lion Newsletter 6(2):17-23. pdf (296 kb).

Bahati, the cover boy! (photo © B.D. Patterson) 


Patterson, B.D. 2004. The lions of Tsavo: exploring the legacy of Africa's notorious man-eaters. McGraw-Hill, New York, 231 pp. examine book here

Patterson, B.D. 2004. Maneless and misunderstood: the lions of Tsavo. Earthwatch Institute 23(2):12-15. pdf (920 kb)

Patterson, B.D., S.M. Kasiki, E. Selempo & R.W. Kays. 2004. Livestock predation by lions (Panthera leo) and other carnivores on ranches neighboring Tsavo National Park, Kenya. Biological Conservation 119:507-516.  pdf (430 kb)

Patterson, B.D. 2004. Fatal attraction: a predilection for livestock threatens Tsavo's lions. Earthwatch Institute - Australia April/May 2004:6-7. pdf (840 kb).

After years, the book is finally printed! read review

Undamaged teeth of female lion killed in retaliation for stock marauding (photo from Samuel Kasiki, KWS).


Patterson, B.D., E.J. Neiburger & S.M. Kasiki. 2003. Tooth breakage and dental disease as causes of carnivore-human conflicts. Journal of Mammalogy 84:190-196. pdf (340 kb).

Patterson, B.D. & S.M. Kasiki. 2003. Expedition briefing: Lions of Tsavo. Earthwatch Institute, Maynard, Massachusetts, 30 pp + appendices. 


Neiburger, E.J. & B.D. Patterson. 2002. A forensic dental determination of serial killings by three African lions. General Dentistry 50:40-43. pdf (660 kb).

Kays, R.W. & B.D. Patterson. 2002. Mane variation in African lions and its social correlates. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:471-478. pdf (466 kb).


Patterson, B.D. 2001. [Review] Prides: the lions of Moremi, by C. Harvey and P. Kat. Journal of Mammalogy 82:248-250. pdf (37 kb).

Patterson, B.D. & E.J. Neiburger. 2001. Lion with a sore tooth. Nature Australia 26(12):12. pdf (580 kb).


Neiburger, E.J. & B.D. Patterson. 2000. Man eating lions...a dental link. Journal of the American Association of Forensic Dentists 24(7-9):1-3. pdf (200 kb).

Neiburger, E.J. & B.D. Patterson. 2000. The man-eaters with bad teeth. New York State Dental Journal 66(10):26-29 + cover. cover (370 kb) and pdf (870 kb).