
Beginning Band: (Mr. Mallory) The Beginning Band is made up of fifth grade students who are just starting a band instrument. Beginning Band meets every "B" day during 9th period. Students also receive a 40 minute group instrumental lesson each week. Although band classes begin in September, the Beginning Band doesn't begin playing during rehearsals until the start of the second quarter. Participation in band is not required.

Concert Band: (Mr. Mallory) The Concert Band is made up of grade 6-8 students who play a band instrument. Concert Band rehearses during 9th period every "A" day. Students also receive a 40 minute group instrumental lesson each week. This course is an elective.

Symphonic Band: (Mr. Bennett) The Symphonic Band, approximately 50 members, is open to all high school students who play a band instrument. It rehearses every other day for an 80-minute block. Each band member also receives a weekly group lesson. This course is an elective worth one credit for each year of participation.

Jazz Band: (Mr. Bennett) The Jazz Band is a traditional "Big Band" that introduces middle school students to simple rock and swing styles. Membership is open to all students grades 6-8 who play a wind band instrument, piano, bass, and guitar. It rehearses every Wednesday during period 10. This course is an elective and does not give credit for participation.

Jazz Ensemble: (Mr. Bennett) The Jazz Ensemble is a traditional "Big Band" that performs a variety of music in latin, funk, rock, ballad and swing styles. Membership is open to all high school students who play saxophone, trumpet, trombone, drums, piano, bass, and guitar. It rehearses every Wednesday evening from 7:30-9:00. This course is an elective and does not give credit for participation.