Welcome back, August, 2020!

Post date: Aug 24, 2020 2:16:9 AM

Dear York Orchestra Family,

Welcome back! The 2020-2021 school year promises to be a year like no other, but the most important constant never wavers: We are gathered together through a love of making music, sharing and learning together as a community. Here we go!

The most important updates first:

Cadet Orchestra (period 2) meets this week: Tues. 8/25 and Thurs. 8/27, 10:10 – 11:20 AM at this Zoom link: https://elmhurst205.zoom.us/j/81851611705?pwd=U3VqL2lQeDhlbGpLM3NZMGliWDR4QT09

Concert Orchestra (period 3) meets this week: Tues. 8/25 and Thurs. 8/27, 8:55 – 10:05 AM at this Zoom link: https://elmhurst205.zoom.us/j/81146826767?pwd=WFZTbW55aWU0QnM1UXNSSmNHdnhpQT09

Symphony Orchestra (period 5) meets this week: Wed. 8/26 and Fri. 8/28, 7:40 – 8:50 AM at this Zoom link: https://elmhurst205.zoom.us/j/85696467484?pwd=MG9hOXRQL2NVdVMwRkJ0NUw4QlVLQT09

*** the same Zoom link should work for each class throughout the semester, whenever remote.

Have your instruments with you, unpacked, rosined up and tuned up as best you can.

As you know, remote learning now will look very different than last March, April and May. We will now have an increased emphasis on individual and ensemble playing skills, while continuing to pursue our knowledge and affective learning outcomes.

You won’t need any printed music or PDF music on screen the first meeting we have, but we will use basic scale sheets and a few Chorales in our second meeting, and musical repertoire soon after that.

To simplify your technology needs, consider printing a few pages if you can:

1) Major Scales in 2 Octaves (two pages) (“yellow scale sheets” if you already have them at home)

2) Chorales 8 and 9 (one page)

3) The August Audition passages (Concert and Symphony Orchestras only, 1 or 2 pages)

All of these printable and downloadable PDFs can be found:

1 – in Google Classroom, in the “Class Drive Folder” in “Classwork”

2 – in the “File Cabinet” on my York Orchestras website here: https://sites.google.com/a/elmhurst205.org/york-hs-orchestras/file-cabinet

Note: The first quarter auditions will likely occur in September via individual ZOOM sessions.

If you (parents or students) would like help with learning or using ZOOM or Google Classroom, there are excellent resources here: https://sites.google.com/elmhurst205.org/d205parentelearningresources/home

I am sure you have many questions, as do I, and I will continue to update you all through my website, Google Classroom and email as needed. Thank you for your support of the Performing Arts and Orchestra at York, and I look forward to making music and learning in this, my 25th year at York!


Ray Ostwald