Dante's Greatest Hits

Dante’s greatest hits. Match the sinners with their punishments.

a. Soothsayers (fortune tellers)

b. Hypocrites

c. Violent against themselves

d. Sycophants (evil counselors)/flatterers

e. Traitors to their lords and benefactors

ab. Sowers of discord

ac. Heretics

ad. Simoniacs

ae. Violent against nature (blasphemous, usurers, sodomites)

bc. Gluttons

bd. Hoarders and Wasters

be. The Dark Wood

cd. The Virtuous Pagans/unbaptized

ce. Lustful

de. Falsifiers (alchemists, counterfeiters…)

df. Thieves

fa. Wrathful/sullen

fb. Sowers of discord

fc. Violent against neighbors