Day one

About a week ago, I received the workout DVD set called INSANITY! Their is sits on the shelf, laughing at me. 

I needed to prepare myself mentally and prepare my workout space. I bought some gym floor padding for the floor,  read all the literature, signed up for the free personal coaching on the program site, built my workout schedule for the next 65 days, and ran out of excuses not to start. 

I took my time working up to the start, but I finally dove in today. I uploaded my "before" pictures to the programs website, took some baseline measurements, and took the "fit Test"

The first DVD contains an explanation of the program, a good explanation of some of the basic forms and how to do them, and some motivational language from a guy named Shawn T.

It starts with a warm up, which I quickly wimped out on, I think i did about 30% of the warm up. This is going to be a LOOOONg journey!

Then, on to the fit test. Their are 8 exercises You do as many reps of each excise that you can in one minute, then get to rest while he explains how to do the next exercise. 

I think I did better than I expected, but it hurt, and I rested a LOT! He is a good instructor and provides some good solid motivation. If you want an explanation of each exercise by the program. 

Here are my results

I was pretty dizzy so my counts may not be perfect but they are close enough for a baseline. 

I was sweating and huffing and puffing,  I did each rep until failure, then tried a few more before the minute was up. I always pushed to get "one more" and sometimes I did. 

I raised the temperature in my workout room 7 degrees!

 I took a shower, tried not to pass out, and took my supplements. Now, about an hour and a half later, i feel pretty good. The muscle pain that is a normal part of my life didn't bother me during the exercises, but my right arm and elbow a bothering me a little now. I Will drink a LOT of water, and Green tea, and eat a sensible dinner tonight. And I will let you all know if I am alive tomorrow...