Justice & Mercy Team

Mission at Magdalene brings together a number of teams of students and staff working together to organise and promote various events, ministries, activities, appeals, advocacy and fund raising efforts for various organisations and needs within our community. Events are organised by our Justice & Mercy Councillors and student team in partnership with the Student Representative Council, Pastoral and School Leadership teams.

Our Focus areas include:

  • Caritas (Term 1)

  • Vinnies (St Vincent De Paul) - Terms 2 & 4

  • Catholic Mission (Term 3) in partnership with the Pastoral Team and Year Group SRC leaders

  • Youth Ministry (Lead by our Faith and Liturgy Councillors and Youth Ministry Leaders)

  • Hospital Heroes Day Organising Team (in-conjunction with Year 11 IPT students)

  • Mission Media Team - a dedicated team to promote and cover the various Mission activities undertaken by the College.

Caritas - Project Compassion

Magdalene is involved in several initiative to support the work of Caritas Australia. During Lent (Term 1) students at Magdalene have the opportunity to be involved in the following activities as part of the Project Compassion Appeal:

  • Caritas Project Compassion Pastoral Lesson - Education and Advocacy related to one of the focus areas of the Project Compassion Appeal

  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Fundraiser

  • Shrove Tuesday - Staff v Students Pancake Cook Off

  • Valentines Day Rose Sale (usually at the School Swimming Carnival)

  • Weekly Project Compassion Collections

  • Guest Speaker visits to Religious Education Classes and Pastoral Classes.

St Vincent de Paul

Magdalene is involved in several St Vincent de Paul initiatives and events including

  • St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

  • Our Annual Winter Sleep Out

  • Vinnies Kitchen (Nagle Centre) - Senior Students (16 years or older) and staff / parents volunteer at the Nagle Centre to assist with the preparation of weekly meals for those in crisis in our community.

  • St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal (Hampers)

Click Here to find out more about the Vinnies Club @ Magdalene

Catholic Mission

Magdalene Students and Staff work together under the leadership of the College Pastoral Team and stage SRC leaders to run a series of events to support the work of Catholic Mission. These events usually take place in Term 3 and often take the form of Staff verses Students challenges. In recent years the annual Mr Kevin Wade Memorial Oztag match has been one of the many challenges included in this event.