Tennis is another net sport that can be played throughout life. It is one of the oldest sports, with evidence dating back to the 11th century, and possibly even as far back as the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

There are many health benefits to be gained from playing tennis. It is a full body activity that can burn up to 600 calories an hour, making it as effective as jogging! It also builds muscle throughout the body, improves coordination and self-esteem and helps brain development due to the tactical nature of the game!


Day 1: Understand and demonstrate basic game play rules and scoring system

Understand and demonstrate proper fundamentals of the forehand ground stroke

Day 2: Understand and demonstrate proper fundamentals of the forehand ground stroke

Understand and demonstrate proper fundamentals of the backhand ground stroke

Demonstrate proper game play and scoring system

Day 3: Understand and demonstrate proper fundamentals of the volley

Understand and demonstrate proper fundamentals of the serve

Apply game play rules and scoring system into league games

Day 4: Demonstrate proper fundamentals of the volley and the serve

Apply all previously learned skills into game play

Day 5: Apply all learned skills into game play

Demonstrate mastery of learned rules and skills on the written assessment


I can utilize proper fundamentals to perform a forehand shot in tennis

I can utilize proper fundamentals to perform a backhand shot in tennis

I can utilize proper fundamentals to perform a volley shot in tennis

I can utilize proper fundamentals to serve correctly in tennis

I can apply basic game rules—including scoring properly—while playing tennis

I can apply good sportsmanship during tennis games