Soccer is a game played world wide

It is called football, except in the United States and Canada

It is considered the most popular sport in the world

Soccer is relatively easy to play

On average, a player runs about 7 miles during a game!


Day 1: Understand proper fundamentals for the proper throw-in

Day 2: Understand dribbling fundamentals and basic game play rules

Day 3: Understand the fundamentals of passing

Understand fundamentals of passing to a moving target

Day 4: Understand fundamentals of the low drive kick

Apply learned skills during game play

Day 5: Demonstrate mastery of learned soccer skills during game play

Demonstrate mastery of soccer knowledge on unit quiz


I can use the proper fundamentals to perform a low drive kick in soccer

I can utilize proper fundamentals to perform a pass to a stationary and moving target in soccer

I can dribble a soccer ball with the proper form

I can perform a proper throw-in with the correct form

I can apply basic rules while playing games

I can apply good sportsmanship at all times during game play