The Swimming Unit is a four day unit. Students must swim all four days!

Day 1--Rip Current video, Skills--Front crawl, Back stroke

Day 2--Skills--Breast stroke, Elementary back stroke; Side stroke

Day 3--Survival Day

Day 4--Skill Testing Day


Day 1: Understand the importance of swimming as a necessary survival skill

Discuss and identify potentially dangerous water situations

Understand and demonstrate proper fundamentals for the front crawl and back stroke

Apply safe pool behaviors at all times

Day 2: Understand and demonstrate proper fundamentals of the breast stroke, side stroke and

Elementary back stroke

Apply safe pool behaviors at all times

Day 3: Become familiar with types of safety equipment

Understand and demonstrate proper use of safety equipment

Understand and demonstrate survival swimming techniques

Understand elements of assisting a distressed swimmer

Apply safe pool behaviors at all times


Day 4: Enjoy safe free time to recognize swimming as a life-long activity

Demonstrate mastery of learned swim strokes on the physical assessment

Apply safe pool behaviors at all times


I can identify the importance of swimming as a necessary and enjoyable life-long activity

I can perform the front crawl, back stroke, side stroke, breast stroke and elementary back stroke with the proper fundamentals

I can identify safety equipment to be used in case of an emergency

I can apply proper usage of safety equipment to assist a distressed swimmer

I can demonstrate learned survival techniques during class simulations

I can apply safe pool behaviors at all times