Is CITE 6 tied to pay?

CITE 6 is not tied to pay. The school board voted to also not have CITE 1 - 5 tied to pay during the fall of 2017, and this decision is currently in effect. CITE 1 - 6 is combined to create an overall effectiveness score or "portability score" that is reported to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). An educator's overall effectiveness score has the ability to impact an educator's probationary/non-probationary status per state law.

How many SLOs/SOOs need to be completed?

As a minimum, each educator needs to complete one SLO/SOO to represent the work that they do with students as part of the Individual Attribution. Educators may want to consider doing more than one SLO/SOO to create a more complete body of evidence.

At the secondary level, how many courses need to be included in CITE 6?

Secondary teachers who teach more than one course may want to select the course that represents the majority of their students. Teachers may, however, want to consider representing other courses they teach in order to create a more complete body of evidence. To read more about representative sampling, click this link.

When does the data have to be entered?

The due date for entering CITE 6 data, including baseline data, targets, and final data, coincides with the due date for entering evidence for CITE standards 1 - 5. This due date is May 1. Please ask your evaluator about the due date of your summative evaluation as many schools set their own internal deadlines to ensure that all data is collected prior to the May 1 due date.

How many students need to meet their goal in order to reach each level of attainment? How were those determined?

The levels of attainment for each SLO is determined by the percentage of students that meet their expected target. These percentages were based on Colorado Department of Education’s sample criteria provided in their 2014 guidance document (Measures of Student Learning: Approaches for Selecting and Using Multiple Measures in Teacher Evaluation. Version 2.1)

NOTE: Unlike CDE's educator evaluation model, the levels of attainment for DCSD are based on scores from 1 to 4.

How do I see my CITE 6 data and results from last year?

Educators interested in seeing their previous year(s) data and results from CITE 6 can access their data using the Archive Tab.

If a student receives IEP services, should they be part of the classroom teacher's SLO, or just the SPED teacher's SLO?

If an educator instructs a student in the content and skills being assessed by the assessment being used, that student should be included in the educator's roster. If both educators are having an impact on the student's learning in the content and skills being assessed, both educators should include the student in their SLO. Any time educators are making decisions on whether or not to include students, they need to have a conversation with their evaluator.

Once a student reaches their target score for a specific SLO, should their score be recorded in InspirED as the final SLO score?

The determination for a student reaching their goal for CITE 6 should be based on the final assessment, and not a progress monitoring or benchmark score.

How should new students be inputed into the SLO process?

For new students, educators need to determine if they have enough data to set reasonable targets. If an educator does not believe that they have enough data, they should not include the student in the SLO. Any time educators are making decisions on whether or not to include students they need to have a conversation with their evaluator.

What do we do with students who moved, and will no longer be part of the SLO?

If a student has moved, the student should be removed from the roster. This can be done by clicking, 'Removed," in the student roster section. A "note" will need to be included, explaining why the student was removed. Make sure to "Save" before leaving the student roster page.

What educators have to participate in CITE 6?

Participation is based on job code. The instructions to access your job code can be found here.

How is my overall evaluation rating determined?

Use the link to learn how your overall evaluation rating is determined.

How do I select my rubric in InspirED?

Use the link to learn how to select your rubric.

How do I learn more about i-Ready use for CITE 6?

i-Ready is a formative assessment tool whose primary purpose in DCSD is for the identification of students with significant reading deficits (SRD), and ongoing support and progress monitoring of students identified as SRD who are on a READ Plan. To learn more about i-Ready, and considerations for using it as part of CITE 6, use the link to visit the i-Ready page found on the Assessment and System Performance Office site. Here you can find specific i-Ready resources related to CITE 6.