May 15, 2018

Post date: May 15, 2018 1:32:59 PM

REMINDER: SBAC Testing has ONE MORE DAY. Pleeeeeease be sure to charge your Chromebooks, get a good night of sleep, eat a good breakfast, and arrive on time.

Reading: 30 minutes and log it

Our next reading project is a FREE CHOICE book. We will all be creating games. Then we will get to play them! How is it coming? Have you thought of the type of game that might go well with your book choice? If you need supplies, just ask.

Math: Fact Practice - multiplication and division. Use the links to That Quiz on my google classroom. 40 problems in 2 minutes for each operation.

Writing: None

Science: You should be starting to organize, plan, and perhaps conduct your experiment.

Social Studies: None