Homework December 7, 2017

Post date: Dec 7, 2017 3:49:00 PM

Reminder: Holiday Concert Tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. -- If you are in the concert, dress as instructed by your music teachers.

Parent/Teacher Conferences week ! Short days Tuesday - Friday

Reading: Check in with your Historical Fiction Book Group - Remember, you have a document on my Google Classroom for your group to keep track of what you read in class, what the focus of our lesson was, and what you have to read for homework. 30 minutes and log it.

Non-Fiction Book Project: Due January 23rd. You should start thinking about the book you would like to read. Remember, you need to run it by me.

Math: Pages 123 and 124 - Fractions as division. Remember, the fraction bar (the line between the numerator and denominator) can be read as 'divided by'. One example was with 5 students sharing ounces of paint equally. The first was 5 students sharing 4 ounces of paint. 4 ÷ 5 = 4/5. The second version was with the same 5 students sharing 8 ounces of paint equally. 8 ÷ 5 = 8/5 or 1 3/5.

Writing: Tonight select another part/quote/scene/idea from the piece of literature you are going to write your essay about and take 20 minutes to write about it as we did today. If you need it, I have included the chart of prompts to push yourself. Remember, let your thoughts flow out from your brain to your pencil and onto the page. The more time you let yourself ponder the important sections of the story, the more able you will be to find a good thesis and craft a meaningful essay

Science: None