December 13, 2017

Post date: Dec 13, 2017 6:34:34 PM

Today we examined direct and indirect light and how it affects the hours of daylight and the seasons here in Darien.

Next week is Spirit Week!

Holiday Hat Monday: Wear your favorite holiday hat!

Sweater Tuesday: Holiday shirt or Ugly Sweater day

(Red, green or blue count as a holiday color!)

Dress Up Wednesday: Dress for Success in your Holiday Best

(This means pants with a button or zipper for the boys and possibly a skirt for the girls! Teachers.. you too!)

Pajama Thursday: Pajama Day

Frosty Friday: Brrr! Wear your blue and white!

Reading: 30 minutes at least and log it -- Check in with Book Club for pages/chapters -- remember, we are focusing on Theme and how perspective (1st person, 3rd person, etc) plays into theme

Math: Practice dividing with fractions and mixed numbers - complete the 6 problems on the homework sheet that you can find on my google classroom

Writing: Continue work on your piece. Today we talked about how to select the right quote to support your idea. We also discussed how to craft an 'angled' mini-story to make your point.

Science: None

Social Studies: None